How To Physically Heal Yourself

body machineJafree Ozwald & Margot Zaher – Your body is an amazing healing machine that has automatic processes built into it to ensure that it maintains a state of perfect health. Science has found that your body’s cells naturally regenerate themselves at different speeds, depending upon where they are located in the body.

For instance, the cells of the eye take only 48 hours to regenerate themselves, whereas the cells of the liver take about 6 weeks to completely replicate themselves. In one year from today, your entire body will contain 100% brand new cells where you will physically not be the same person that you are today! Continue reading

10 Universal Relationship Truths

Jafree Ozwald & Margot Zaher  November 8 2013


The following information will assist you in creating a heart opening soul-based relationship in your life. By applying these Universal truths everyday you’ll empower yourself to manifest a relationship that works for you, not against you. When you are connecting with another from this soul based perspective, everything changes. Your most expansive loving energy hidden inside you shines brighter, which naturally makes you a guiding light helping all beings find their way home. The secret is knowing that every relationship doesn’t actually exist on the “outside”, yet is always being projected from within. At your very core you always have a connection with the divine, and this is found through those beings in the world with whom are placed in your path and are here relating to.

NOTE: When you read each message, read it slowly so it sinks deeply into your body. Take your time to digest each message before moving onto the next one. You’ll know when the message is consumed inside when there is a feeling of peace each time that you read through it. Enjoy!

1. The greatest love of your life is within you. Dwell on the idea of an infinite love is within you now. Rest in the feeling that arises from meditating on this idea. Relax into this feeling sooo deeply that it permeates your innermost being. This way you have found your Source of love and are free from relying on your partner for feelings of love and validation. Continue reading