Heyoka — The Most Powerful Type Of Empath

Heyoka — The Most Powerful Type Of EmpathHelen Elizabeth Williams – Empaths are individuals that can be hard to relate to, but have shared emotion responses with others.

They read into body language and special inflections, gleaning more information than the average person would gloss over.

In the modern world, apathy and sympathy reign supreme, as the average person tries be selective in the information they focus on. Continue reading

The Most Powerful Type Of Empath

heyokaEmpaths are individuals that can be hard to relate to, but have shared emotion responses with others.

They read into body language and special inflections, gleaning more information than the average person would gloss over.

In the modern world, apathy and sympathy reign supreme, as the average person tries be selective in the information they focus on.

We all have the biological hardware to feel what another person feels but we have to be open to the experience.

The acknowledgement of the feelings of others, requires a special sort of honesty with ourselves. Not everyone has a developed sense of empathy.

Those that do, have a special place in society as empaths.

The most valued type of empathic archetypes is known as Heyoka

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DivineTrickster  May 21 2014

Thanks, Nina. Superb article!  ~g

The nature of life.

Imagine that you exist in vast space surrounded by the very fabric of life in all directions around you. Your experience of people and objects around you are made visible (extracted and weaved from the fabric of life) by your own genetic patterning/programming, which is destined to create thoughtforms that you project onto people and objects around you, so that you can have a relationship with yourself based upon your own interpretation. Your body/mind mechanism is the vehicle you, as awareness, inhabit to create various experiences in physical form. It is only possible to have experiences in the illusion of separation, so let us make the most of it.

This is a time when we must all address our own shadow patterns, being wonderfully displayed by other people in our lives. It is of utmost importance that you trust your authentic responses in a given situation. As Eckhart Tolle nicely puts it – you do always have three choices available to you: You can complain, accept or act. Continue reading