The Star Wars Conspiracy: Hidden Occult and Illuminati Symbolism of Aliens & the New Age [Video]

Isaac Weishaupt does a nice job of explaining and coherently knitting together multiple pieces of the illuminati puzzle. Well worth the time to listen. – g

Here’s some of  Weishaupt’s extensive work on the Occult.

SF Source illuminatiwatcher1 March 2017

Time Bandits: Deconstructing The Re-Traumatization Of The 15th Anniversary Of 9/11

Oracle Report Special Report

timeLaura Walker – The 15th Anniversary of the terror attacks and trauma response of 9/11 is upon us, offering the degrading globalist monstrosity a chance for a life line if they can reproduce fear.

The Illuminati minions of the archons use astrology to time false flag operations for the maximum impact of any goal.  On September 11, 2016, certain astrological aspects at the time of September 11, 2001, reactivate.  This offers the Illuminati an opportunity to attempt to capitalize on the energetic imprints of the past, and thus reassert control.

However, many of the Illuminati refuse to accept that the old ways no longer work, and thus are highly tempted by a repeat in the “archetypal field of consciousness” that astrology describes (decodes).

The highest levels of the cabal use astrology and knowledge of the cycles of time to time their moves against humanity.  In this way, they have been Time Bandits, manipulating psyches through the induction of trauma — fear.

A system in collapse would try to reassert control using the same old methods, attempting to revive the past.  This indicates a deep level of denial.

This weekend, on the 15th Anniversary of 9-11, certain planets are re-activating the astrology from the day of the attacks: Continue reading

The Slithering Stealth of the Serpentine Invaders

illuminatiZen Gardner – This overwhelming yet cleverly obscured phenomenon of extremely patient, devious long range planning by the changing guard of the “powers that be” is of paramount importance.

The “patience of the planners” aspect eventually becomes evident to any sincere researcher, and literally haunts and even taunts with its seductive perfidy. Even putting your finger on this slippery subject is a chore, since we don’t think like they do and have a hard time even conceiving of such inter-generational, pathological conniving, the complete fulfillment of which most of whom would knowingly not see in their lifetimes.

It’s beyond us.

And that’s the key. They’re not normal. Something very powerful and sinister is driving them.

Fully developed conscious humans wouldn’t plot and scheme for generations to take over the world at any cost to its inhabitants. Most humans inherently trust and positively contribute in conscious, natural ways, endeavoring to pass on to their progeny loving wisdom and a better world. We natural born world citizens believe in the decency of humanity and that natural and spiritual laws are clearly delineated via the simplest observations of the world around us and the revelations of our awakened conscience.

Love and truth are not all that complicated. Continue reading

Oracle Report ~ Monday, January 18, 2016

“Cows on the beach” – photo by Ivy

First Quarter Moon in Taurus: step out of comfort zone, take action

Aspect of the Aeon Sophia (Wisdom): Kali, Goddess of Endings and Beginnings

Aspect of the Aeon Thelete (Will/Desire): Seth, God of the North, God of Enlightenment

Skill: be observant to signs, messages, and patterns

True Alignments: the place of inner observance, progress with hopes and wishes, symbolism, giving and receiving all types of things, clarity, attitude or outlook adjustment, things that are fun, coping, repairing or preventing damage, Oneness

Catalysts for Change: escaping reality, causing damage, over-reliance on others, self-denial, not following best judgment, prematurity, laden with heaviness or burdens, comparisons to others

Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Month: “a hidden choir singing during a religious service” (unseen spiritual assistance)

Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Year: “the music of the spheres” (recalibration, retuning of consciousness)

Today the Sun discharges the energetic of “a woman reading tea leaves.” Signs, messages, synchronicities, and information are organizing within the fields around us, so we are particularly vigilant to patterns. Of course, we are always attentive to messages through animal sightings, but today is more pronounced. Continue reading