The Clue Phone is Ringing and It is For You

Jennifer Hoffman – I remember the many times the Universe has tried to prevent me from doing something that I wanted to do anyway. No matter how many obstacles were put in my path I forged ahead, determined to succeed at all costs. And I paid the price in time, energy, and heartache.

Why did I not see the clues I was receiving for what they were, warnings that the path I was on was not the best one for me, that it was not aligned with the outcomes I wanted in my life?

What made me forge ahead with my plans, determined to plow through whatever obstacles were in my way, no matter what it took (and sometimes it took a lot)! Continue reading

Awaken to the Magic of Creative Manifestation

createCelia Fenn – There have been huge changes in your world and on your planet since January 2021. After a year of the Covid “lockdowns”, the pressure is still on in the process of Transformation. We know that many of you feel exhausted and just want to move into an easier time. That time will come, but first there is more transformation and change.

You came to the Earth to be a part of this change. Simply to hold the Light and to be aware and awake and filled with love. There is no pressure on anyone at this time to do great deeds! Rather it is your work to connect with your Soul and your Divine Essence and not to be caught up in conflict and aggression. Continue reading

Belief in Limitations Is the Destroyer of Conscious Creation

realityPaul Lenda – Do you believe that anything is possible? If not, why not? The most likely reasons are that someone early on, like a parent, told you something was not possible. Another is that you grew up trying to do something but came up against obstacles to doing it. This conditioned you to believe in limitations.

Everything from believing that the friend who kept you company and played with you as a child was only “imaginary” or that you couldn’t actually be a “superhero” helping people. I am here to tell you that any limitation you place upon your perception of reality will diminish your ability as a conscious creator. Continue reading

The Human Gift of Imagination & the Great Cost of Losing It

imaginationGilbert Ross – Imagination is one of those things that have been grossly misjudged throughout history and up to a certain point vilified through the growing cynicism of a modernised world. Society consensually projects the idea of imagination to childhood and it often equates it with immaturity or a lack of thinking seriously and rationally.

Even artists and people with a creative flair in general have been directly or indirectly discredited at some point in their lives – either at school, at home or by their peers. It’s as if the liberal use of the imagination is silently shunned by society. Continue reading

What’s really real?

inner worldThe Angels – Shut your eyes for a moment after you read these words. Imagine you are in one of the most beautiful places you can imagine. Perhaps you are on a pristine beach. Maybe you are walking through the woods, standing on a mountain, or in the most elegant room you can imagine. Perhaps you are beholding beautiful artwork, or maybe you are in a crowd of people basking in the beauty of their diversity. It doesn’t matter… allow your soul to show you a beautiful place in your imagination.

Allow yourself to imagine the feelings you have while immersed in this beauty. Allow yourself to feel inspired, uplifted, expanded. Allow your heart to fill with the majesty and beauty of the scene around you. Really imagine. Really feel. Continue reading