Immortality & Resurrection, Inc.

brainJoseph P Farrell – Just when you thought the aspirations and plans of modern science couldn’t possibly become more diabolical (or, if one prefer, sacrilegious), an article comes along to renew your hope that the world continues on its path of normalcy, and that many scientists are, indeed, just as wild-eyed-nuts as you always thought them to be. And this week, apparently many people were relieved and reassured that the mad scientist is not a thing of the past or a species that died out, but a real, living creature deserving of our awe and respect.

Ms. M.W. and many others found this, and shared it, doubtless because they were concerned that I was losing hope that there were no more mad scientists:

Could we soon REVERSE death? US company to start trials ‘reawakening the dead’ in Latin America ‘in a few months’ – and this is how they’ll do it

Way back when I first started writing about these strange topics in The Giza Death Star, I made the observation that physical immortality might not be such a good thing, without a commensurate and corresponding improvement in human spirituality and morality. In this, I took my cue from an ancient Greek Church Father named St. John Chrysostom, who warned about the same thing, and who stated that it was death, in fact, that formed the crucial condition for the possibility of human repentance and a change of mind, for it cut off further progress in evil.

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Transhumanism: The Anti-Human Agenda

“Enlightened aware humans, however, have absolutely nothing to fear. The Illuminati . . . and the so-called Archons (Authorities), mind parasites from another dimension – often controlled or embodied as “authorities” like the military, police, politicians, and celebrities in music and entertainment — can not crack the code of life – no matter what they say. They are low level imitators of Creation and their faux creation is always a really poor version of Reality — a badly-coded matrix of subterfuge and artificial virtual reality, which is laughable and ultimately meaningless.” – U Dowbenko

TranshumanistWeatherReporterNew Dawn Magazine –  At a TED-like techno-geek symposium in the 2014 film Transcendence, Artificial Intelligence guru Dr. Will Caster (Johnny Depp) is asked by an audience member, ‘So you want to create your own god?’ And he answers, ‘Isn’t that what man has always done?’

This smarmy remark is indicative of the hubris and arrogance of scientism, the belief that science can solve all the problems on this planet, while scientists can have fun playing god at the same time.

It could also have been the answer of Real-Life Techno-Wizard Ray Kurzweil, Google’s Director of Engineering, whose book The Singularity is Near: When Humans Transcend Biology (2005), is ever so popular with scientific materialists who neither have the capacity nor the desire for spiritual evolution, but have a fervent belief that the shotgun marriage of man and machine is not only ‘normal’ but something to be ardently pursued.

Simply put Kurzweil’s sociopathic quest for digital immortality is based on his fear of death.

He claims to take 150 pills a day in order to still be half-alive when voodoo science will have succeeded in uploading his sorry-state mind into a digital facsimile of his former self into cyber-space.

No soul? No problem…

Since materialist scientists don’t understand multi-dimensional or spiritual realities, they are unconcerned about the details which they can’t even fathom.

And what exactly is the “Singularity” supposed to be? It’s a future mythological moment when machine (artificial) intelligence becomes more “intelligent” than human intelligence.

Kurzweil’s thesis and fervent hope is that it will occur by 2045. He writes that it is “a future period during which the pace of technological advance will be so rapid, its impact so deep, that human life will be irreversibly transformed… The Singularity will represent the culmination of the merger of our biological thinking and existence with our technology, resulting in a world that is still human but transcends our biological roots. There will be no distinction, post-Singularity, between human and machine or between physical and virtual.”

Does that sound like “science” or a religious Belief System (B.S.)?

Illuminati Predictive Programming

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Transhumanism Debunked

NaturalNews June 25 2013

Comet Hale–BoppIn this article, I’m going to reveal how transhumanism is a dangerous, irrational death cult shrouded in the language of geeky cybernetics. In fact, the entire idea that you can “upload your mind to a computer” is complete junk science quackery, as you’ll soon see.

In case you’re new to the term, “transhumanism” means uploading your mind to a machine, discarding your body, then achieving immortality by living forever through machines and robots. Google’s director of engineering, Ray Kurzweil, has been pushing this cult for many years, and just recently he promised that by 2045, humanity would achieve what he calls the “singularity,” where our minds can be uploaded to computers. (Click here for the source of this claim.) In less than a century, Kurzweil says, we could all discard our “fragile” human bodies and inhabit advanced robotic systems as our new immortal selves.

Kurzweil’s cult is so bizarre and dangerous that following it can only lead to a lunatrocity of mass death and deception. Kurzweil’s sci-fi cybernetic mind-meld theories are so outlandish that they make Scientology’s galactic narratives sound like Christian Sunday school.

Where to even begin the debunking of it all? Let’s start with its claims…

How would transhumanism even work?

Let’s examine the claims of the transhumanism cult leaders like Kurzweil. They are saying that by 2045, all the following technology will exist:

Technology #1) A way to “scan” your entire brain and record every neuron and holographic patterning that exists in your brain.

Technology #2) A way to build an equally complex computing system that has equivalent computational capabilities as your brain.

Technology #3) A way to COPY your brain scan into the computing system. This is called “uploading” your brain to the machine.

Once these three technologies exist, we are promised, we can all transfer our minds to computer systems and experience “digital immortality!”

But wait a second. Something’s already missing here, do you see it? In this plan there is no mechanism to transfer your consciousness to the machine. So even if all three of these technologies are adequately developed (which is possible, by the way), they still don’t provide a way to merge your mind with a machine.

Nothing more than a computer simulation of your brain

All you’ve really done, even if all three technologies are developed and working by 2045, is made a copy of your brain. This copy may, indeed, be able to run on the machine, but it’s nothing more than a simulation of your brain. It is not you.

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Human Evolution: The Body’s Intelligence

Psychedelic Adventure | July 15 2012 | Thanks, Annette

Biology‘My body and the Universe come from the same source, obey the same rhythms, flash with the same storms of electromagnetic activity. My body can’t afford to argue over who created the Universe. Every cell would disappear the second it stopped creating itself. So it must be that the Universe is living and breathing through me. I am an expression of everything in existence. At this moment, you are seamlessly flowing with the cosmos.’

‘There is no difference between your breathing and the breathing of the rain forest, between your bloodstream and the world’s rivers, between your bones and the cliffs of Dover. Every shift in ecosystem has affected you at the level of your genes. The Universe remembers its evolution by leaving a record written in DNA. This means that your genes are the focal point for everything happening in the world. They are your line of communication with nature as a whole. The Universe thinks and works through you…’ ~ Deepak Chopra

What’s playing through your DNA at this moment is the evolution of the universe. We tend to think of evolution as a straight line march from primitive organisms to higher ones. A better image would be of a bubble expanding to take in more and more of life’s potential.

The force of evolution is infinite, but it can work only with what the observer bring to it. A mind closed off to love, for example, will look out on a loveless world and be immune to any evidence of love, while an open mind will look out on that same world and find infinite expressions of love.

The Wisdom You Are Already Living – The Body’s Intelligence

1. You have a higher purpose.
2. You are in communion with the whole of life.
3. Your awareness is always open to change. From moment to moment, it senses everything in your environment.
4. You feel acceptance for all others as your equal, without judgment or prejudice.
5. You seize every moment with renewed creativity, not clinging to the old and outworn.
6. Your being is cradled in the rhythms of the universe. You feel safe and nurtured.
7. Your idea of efficiency is to let the flow of life bring you what you need. Force, control, and struggle are not your way.
8. You feel a sense of connection with your source.
9. You are committed to giving as the source of all abundance.
10. You see all change, including birth and death, against the background of immortality. Whatever is unchanging is most real to you.

None of these items are spiritual aspirations; they are facts of daily existence at the level of your cells.

Higher Purpose: Every cell in your body agrees to work for the welfare of the whole; its individual welfare comes second. If necessary, it will die to protect the body, and often does – the lifetime of any given cell is a fraction of our own lifetime. Skin cells perish by the thousands every hour, as do immune cells fighting off invading microbes. Selfishness is not an option, even when it comes to a cell’s own survival.

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