How to Cope With Swelling From Sitting at Your Computer All Day

Swelling is a major issue for many who work exclusively at the keyboard. Typing is a physically demanding activity, whether it seems that way or not. Finger dexterity, wrist strength, and nuanced muscle memory all play a significant role in the agility or clumsiness of a keyboard-centric worker’s daily grind.

Swelling in the wrists and fingers is a major problem for millions of U.S. workers. Estimates suggest that carpal tunnel syndrome, the most common inflammation-related issue that Americans face, affects between four and ten million adults in the United States. Thankfully, this and other inflammation issues are treatable with a varied course of activity and can be reduced in severity and incidence with many common treatment options. Continue reading

The leading cause of death in the US is FDA-approved food poisoning

Charles G. Shaver is an American and former industrial electrician. In the article below he describes his personal experience and online research-based perspective concerning the FDA. He says:

Advancements in technology are no substitute for accurate diagnosis and appropriate care. Despite being something of a ‘worse’ but not ‘worst’ case scenario of multiple chemical, food and metal sensitivities (‘allergies’ that mainstream medicine has yet to recognize as fundamental to all health and wellness),  I’m also something of a walking, talking, reading, writing limited success story, again free of any prescription drugs at age seventy-seven in early 2021. – Charles G Shaver

Statistically, COVID-19 or not, about 7,900 Americans will die daily
in 2021 from all causes. Contrary to professional ignorance and
misinformation, about half of those will be years to decades (highly
individual, many individual variables) premature. Obvious common
symptoms are obesity, hair loss and eyeglasses.

Causation: there is a kind of individually practically harmless
ambiguous, brief and very, very mild (subclinical) food (minimally)
allergy reaction which mainstream medicine has yet to recognize,
research or include in other medical research as true (e.g. IgE
mediated) allergies.

Unfortunately, they are easily aggravated to become chronic and deadly dangerous, long-term (again, many individual variables) in just a few simple ways. These (my) kind of allergy reactions were first observed in the early 1930s and reported on by 1935,* by then renowned immunologist Arthur F. Coca, MD (The Pulse Test, 1956).**

Aggravating factors: mysteriously, seriously ill in 1981 and first learning I had multiple food and food additive allergies in late 1981, I experimented at-home to find that extended periods of single-offender-overdosing, multi-offender-dosing and too-soon-repeated-offender-dosing caused my still very, very mild
allergy reactions to make me notably ill.

Monosodium glutamate (MSG)

In the summer of 2000 I learned of the toxicity of added monosodium glutamate (MSG)*** from another adult male victim of the early 1980s and about 2012 I learned more of the trouble(s) with modified soy protein. I later learned that even just stress (like comes with costly mysterious illness) can cause additional inflammation. I now prefer to label added MSG and soy,
minimally, as “FDA approved food poisoning” and a “silent American


allergies + foods + time + MSG/soy (less time) >
inflammation + time > xanthine oxidase + time > uric acid + free
radicals + time > acidosis + time > calcium loss + time > epidemic
chronic/degenerative disease (e.g. depression, obesity, etc.) + time >
premature disability and/or mortality.


In Chapter One of The Pulse Test Dr. Coca listed 32 common disease conditions which could be identified at-home with mere pulse (rises) testing. Much later, after multiple failed medical examinations and finding I’m something of a ‘worse’ but not ‘worst’ case scenario of Dr. Coca’s kind of allergies, I experimented repeatedly at-home with affordable newer technology to find too, compared with experimentally established fasting-at-rest baselines: pH (saliva and/or urine; falls), blood oxygen (finger pulse-oximeter; falls), temperature (digital thermometer; rises) and weight (excess
fluid retention; standard bathroom scale; increases), also work.

Documenting at least diet, nutritional supplementation, test readings
and subjective observations of ‘self,’ daily, can help to identify
even very weak allergic offenders.


Both soy and MSG are known to harm the thyroid in lab mice and adult rats; soy is known to interfere with the uptake of thyroid hormones (even synthroid).

Excess MSG is known to cause a vitamin B6 deficiency (with all which that implies; some sixty metabolic functions); fructose (unlike glucose and sucrose, minimally) is known to raise serum levels of uric acid, unregulated; taking calcium carbonate as a supplement can cause a phosphorus deficiency
(with all which that implies; e.g. citric acid energy cycle); uric acid may crystallize in smooth muscle tissue (e.g. attached to hair follicles, lining blood vessels, etc.) as well as joints and gout is known to occur anywhere in the body, even ears, eyes and skin.

Standard blood testing is unreliable for calcium and post-menopausal
women are more prone to get gout.

A lay postulation

If a seriously ill patient (e.g. with COVID-19 in an ICU) with an undiagnosed allergy to dairy and/or soy receives enteral feeding formula containing dairy and/or soy frequently and regular, that patient will likely experience additional inflammation, less resistance to infection and a worse outcome.





Shift Frequency © 2021 – The leading cause of death in the US
is FDA-approved food poisoning

What Happens When You Eat A Teaspoon of ‪Turmeric‬ Daily?

turmericHealthy Life – You should know that turmeric is one of the best anti-aging, anti-oxidant, and anti-inflammatory super spice with a whole range of amazing health benefits. After you read the following you’ll start adding a teaspoon of it in each of your meals.


Decrease inflammation – long-term inflammation is connected to disease which cause long-lasting damage and eventually leading to death. If you have additional help in decreasing inflammation, then it means that your body can retain overall health.

Decrease the risk of brain disease – the risk of brain diseases are decreased in the correlation to the increase of BDNF hormone in your brain. All this is due to the improved functioning of the brain and can also reverse the effects already present in the brain. Continue reading

The Top 24 Anti-Inflammatory Foods

Mae Chan – Researchers at the University of South Carolina, including James Hebert, ScD, and Philip Cavicchia, PhD, scored foods and food components thought to positively or negatively affect levels of inflammation, based on a review of peer-reviewed studies relating to diet and inflammation inflammation that were published between 1950 and 2007. Since then, new research is bringing the index closer to “prime time”– ready to be used in epidemiological and clinical studies.

While each plant has its own twist, all are based on the general concept that constant or out-of-control inflammation in the body leads to ill health, and that eating to avoid constant inflammation promotes better health and can ward off disease, says Russell Greenfield, MD, a clinical assistant professor of medicine at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.

“It’s very clear that inflammation plays a role much more than we thought with respect to certain maladies,” Greenfield stated.

“We always thought anything with an “itis” at the end involved inflammation,” he says, such as arthritis or appendicitis. But even the illnesses without an “itis” at the end, such as cardiovascular disease, certain cancers, even Alzheimer’s disease, may be triggered in part by inflammation, he says.

It is becoming increasingly clear that chronic inflammation may be at the root cause of many serious illnesses.

Carbohydrates, fat and cholesterol are among the food components most likely to encourage inflammation, while magnesium, beta-carotene, vitamins A, B-6, C, D and E, fiber, omega-3 fatty acids, flavonoids, turmeric and tea were the strongest anti-inflammatories.

24 Highest Anti-Inflammatory Nutrients

Continue reading

4 Must-Have Foods For Reducing Inflammation Naturally

Health news gives us the overriding impression that cancer, dementia, stroke, heart disease, and diabetes are things that simply happen to us. But this just isn’t true. While genes may play a role in our health quality, many experts agree that chronic inflammation causes virtually all leading diseases due to a poor diet and lack of exercise.

Deemed the mother of most major chronic disease, chronic inflammation is a silent epidemic; a plague afflicting millions of unsuspecting Americans. It is typically a silent  until actual tissue damage and loss of function occurs. There is no single direct test for inflammation. Instead, doctors use indirect methods by measuring blood levels of C-reactive protein, a pro-inflammatory marker, and homocysteine levels.

In light of this news, here are 4 foods that are must-haves for reducing inflammation naturally – and they come with numerous other benefits.

1. Tart Cherries (the ‘master’ anti-inflammatory food)

TartCherryAccording to researchers with Oregon Health & Science University, tart cherries have the “highest anti-inflammatory content of any food.” This is a remarkable statement considering all of the fruits and vegetables with anti-inflammatory properties. These anti-inflammatory properties are also likely responsible for the many health benefits of cherries.

The researchers discovered that tart cherries, like Montmorency and Balaton in particular, are rich in phenolics and anthocyanins, more so than sweet cherry varieties like Bing, Lambert, and Rainier. These compounds are known to reduce inflammation considerably.

2. Onions

Antioxidant phytonutrients are what give onions their anti-inflammatory power. Compounds like quercetin and anthocyanin work to prevent the oxidation of fatty acids while reducing inflammation throughout the body. Continue reading