Signs You Have a Wounded Inner Child

inner childAletheia Luna – Every child deserves the fundamental right to feel safe, secure and protected.

But not every child does.

Growing up, it is the emotional and biological responsibility of our parents and family members to create a safe environment for us. But not all parents accept that responsibility, are aware of that responsibility, or have the capacity to fulfill that responsibility.

Safety doesn’t just mean physically protecting us from harm, feeding us, or the other essentials. Safety also means supporting us on the emotional, psychological, and spiritual levels inherent to us as human beings.

What happens when we don’t feel safe as children? What happens when this feeling of endangerment is constant and long-lasting? The answer is that a huge gaping wound appears in the psyche. This painful wound is often unknowingly repressed by us as adults … but its impacts are profound and far-reaching. Continue reading

How To Heal Your Inner Child And Unblock Love And Relationships

inner ChildLeda de Zwaan – Your inner child is ALWAYS inside of you. You carry it around wherever you go because he or she lives in your heart. When the inner child is abandoned by its father or mother, discouraged, or not ‘acknowledged’ by parents when you were young. But also cheated on or rejected by a loved one… Then what happens?

What does the inner child do? The inner child says: ‘I will shield myself from feeling anything for anyone. I do NOT want a serious, loving relationship because loving someone means getting abandoned or turned down. Caring for somebody will cause me pain, depression and even illness.

Of course you’ll keep on living and you‘ll move on, but your inner child will be there forever, protecting you from new possible heartbreak.

What happens when you connect, meet, see (even through internet) a possible long-term partner?

The inner child (tarot card 9 of wands) awakens (as a huge force of energy), already in fear of losing that person in the future. Will she leave me for another man? Will she turn me down, when my heart is wide open for her? Will she be mean, arrogant or bitchy? Will she get ill or maybe even die? Your inner child, has become so scared of all you’ve already gone through, that the slightest form of affection for anyone can trigger its alarms. It has nothing to do with your new crush by the way, this new wo(man) could well be the love of your life!

How does this trigger point work?

The energy can take over your whole system. It is so strong in protecting you from any more harm, that this can show up in your body functions, but also behaviour and sleep. When it stands up, all of a sudden, it can look lik this:

– Heart problems ‘out of nowhere’

– The strong feeling of ‘ending this now’- whatever it is.

– Feeling very nervous, without any reason Continue reading

Angel Messages For November 14-20, 2016 [Video]

Doreen Virtue – It’s a week of your empowerment! You step up into leadership, in helping those who are afraid, angry, or in need of healing – and this includes helping yourself.

Your inner child is both strong and sensitive this week, meaning that you may feel extra-imaginative, extra-emotional, and experience the magical healing energy that comes from pure childlike faith.

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Doreen Virtue’s Angel Messages For Jan 11 – 17, 2016 [Video]

The week begins with the powerful Angel Number date of 111 (January 11), which is a strong reminder to stay positive because your thoughts are rapidly manifesting into form.

It’s a week of Self-Care to recover your personal power and strength. The angels say that you are recovering from the holidays. The angels say that it’s time for a deep cleanse and some inner child rewards and nurturing.

The angels want us to detoxify from anything toxic — negative thoughts, self-doubts, toxic relationships, fear-based media, as well as anything toxic in your diet. Continue reading

The Secret to Maintaining Flow While in Limbo

Nibiruan Council | April 23 2012

Was talking to my friend, Julie, this morning; I call her when I need inspiration for a weekly message. She talked about how she was finding it hard to feel the dream, meaning feeling the excitement of her dream for the future. I instantly knew that that was the topic for this week ’cause it was the reason why I felt uninspired. Having been in limbo for some time now, waiting for the new reality to form so that we can get on with our next phase, it is challenging not to become strained by the wait. I think what makes it challenging is not the wait itself, but seeing pieces of our current life dissolving, as if from under our very feet, taking away the financial, emotional and physical support we’ve been secure in. I declare, sometimes I feel like I am walking a tightrope that is only partially there–and with no net to boot! It is easy to get stressed out and over-focused on what is disappearing. Makes it hard to remember to energize the future we want to see. Energizing the dream means really feeling the excitement of it, living as if it were already here.

“So what is the solution”, Julie asked? My first thought was, I’d don’t know, but that was quickly followed by the answer–play! Yep, it was a lesson my guides gave me many years ago when I was going through my first limbo period after the completion of my very first mission assignment. I had not gone through a limbo period before so the experience of being adrift with no direction, and one’s support fading away, was more than unsettling. Back then they told me to go play–do something that had no benefit other than pure fun. (I thought they were nuts!)

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