The Importance of Budgeting for Health and Safety as We Age

healthcareAs people age, their health starts to deteriorate. Their level of safety can also decrease as their ability to walk and move without struggle takes over. Budgeting for health and safety as we age is incredibly important because many people do not realize just how expensive it can be to make home alterations that will help. Medications become more necessary and more expensive. Starting a budget now will ensure the funds are available when needed in the future.

Equipment Installations Create a Large Project

Much of the mobility equipment that people need to get around easier is affordable as long as people budget for the expense in advance. Things like stair lifts and home elevators are heavy duty installations that typically require a professional to get the job done.

Some of these things even require changes to the home so they can be put in, such as the elevator. Budgeting for home safety equipment and mobility devices early on will help to ensure the money is there when it’s needed down the line.

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Secrets to living a contented and happy life

lifeIn life, there is nothing more important than being happy. When you look back at your time on earth, you won’t think about your most expensive possessions, how many likes you got on social media, or how your favorite television series ended. Instead, you will consider whether or not you were truly happy.

It is important to do everything in your power to ensure your life is as positive as possible. If you agree please read on.

First, be prepared!

Don’t just wait for problems to occur. Prepare solutions in advance.  Being prepared allows you to have peace of mind. For example, instead of wasting time worrying about financing big ticket items like home repairs after a major weather event you can simply buy the right type of insurance. Insurance has proved to be a reliable back up plan for millions. However, the insurance industry is large, and costs for coverage vary widely based on any number of factors. It can also be difficult and time consuming trying to locate the best deal without assistance.

Fortunately you can get vital assistance in locating the right insurance provider for your needs  by visiting The advantage you get using their service is they are independent. Unlike brokers who work for specific insurance companies you receive impartial, honest and reliable advice that is factual, comparative and comprehensive. You get specifics, not just some corporate marketing pitch. Continue reading

All in the Family: 4 Tips for Running a Successful Family Business

family businessWhile many companies say they’re “like a family,” yours takes the classification to the next level—you are a family. As they say, blood is thicker than water. Through thick and thin, you and your kin are steering the ship that is your family’s business legacy. Whether you run a generations-old bakery or a multi-million-dollar e-commerce corporation, many dynamics tend to repeat themselves when it’s all in the family.

Here are four tips for running a successful family business, no matter the specifics.

Ability and Skillset Override Lineage

Family ties are great. Nepotism is not. Part of building out a qualified, productive workforce is filling various positions with the best people for the job. Just like you would ask a complete stranger for a resume and conduct an interview before hiring them, make sure that family members meet the qualifications for certain positions before they get them. This will keep everyone sharp and continually developing their abilities, as they’ll have to prove their value in a competitive workforce. Continue reading

Passage of Laws Such as Healthcare Legislation Affect the Value of Presidential Autographs

healthcareSince the 1940s, various U.S. Presidents have pushed for the passage of major pieces of legislation that would affect healthcare access and insurance coverage for Americans, with most failing to get the laws that they favored passed:

-Harry Truman attempted to enact universal healthcare immediately after World World Two, but Congress refused.

– Lyndon Johnson’s administration managed to successfully get Medicaid and Medicare passed, but a desire to achieve across-the-board healthcare reform remained out of reach.

-Richard Nixon tried to make it mandatory for all employers to provide insurance to employees, but this push came to an end with the Watergate Scandal and his subsequent resignation.

-Jimmy Carter was poised to pass major healthcare reform in the late 1970s, but infighting between his administration and the Democrats on the hill led by Ted Kennedy killed this attempt.

-Bill Clinton, with First Lady Hillary Clinton leading the charge, planned to get major healthcare reform passed in the early days of his administration, but was also unable to get Congress on board. Continue reading

We Now Have Proof Obamacare Was Designed to Fail… and Here’s Why [Video]

Melissa Dykes – The oligarchy runs our society with Problem – Reaction – Solution.

We all knew our government was disgustingly corrupt… but now it’s blatantly in-your-face written proof disgustingly corrupt at a time when most of us didn’t think it could get much worse.

If anything, these leaks have proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that the two-party system is an illusion and the whole construct is one huge pay-for-play corporate sham. Obamacare was always meant to destroy the private health care system and usher in single-payer, government run socialist medicine. It was designed that way… and it’s “working”.

Aaron Dykes and Melissa Melton created Truthstream as an outlet to examine the news, place it in a broader context, uncover the deceptions, pierce through the fabric of illusions, grasp the underlying factors, know the real enemy, unshackle from the system, and begin to imagine the path towards taking back our lives, one step at a time, so that one day we might truly be free…

SF Source The Daily Sheeple  Oct 2016

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