Acknowledging Someone’s Power Is The Greatest Gift You Can Give Them

Jennifer HoffmanCreator deityThe human state or condition has access to the same level of power that exists within the higher dimensions of being. The achievement of any level of spiritual growth is not an opportunity to take on additional power because everything in the Universe has equal power as it all emanates from the same source. What changes with the increase in vibration is the connection to source, which also allows for a greater understanding of the self as divine and the awareness of power. So while additional power cannot be granted to anyone, power cannot be taken away either.

Those who appear to steal your power are able to convince you to give it to them, and you do so willingly. You do this when you think someone is incapable of being powerful, that they cannot manage their life, that they have less ability or opportunity than you do or that they can live your life more fully and powerfully with your power than you can. These people receive the gift of your power, which you volunteer with a loving heart, which they then take as their own. Now they have the benefit of their own power (which they always had) and yours too.

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Being In Peace

EnergyArchangel Uriel  – How can you know the peace of peace? By understanding the difference between being ‘at peace’ and ‘in peace’. Being at peace means that you are still and quiet, without motion or thought. But this goes against your human nature and it means you must work at ‘not doing’.

It is the nature of the mind to think and it is the nature of the body to move and while you can stop their motion, it requires an effort to be ‘at peace’, which is a material interpretation of peace. This is a physical interaction with an energy, which is an imposition, rather than a flow.  There is a higher aspect of peace which involves flowing into the energy of peace and it is being ‘in peace’. Continue reading

Steps of Creative Manifestation

Creative Manifestation.Jennifer Hoffman – We are creative beings, uniquely gifted with the ability to create matter from energy. This is not an insignificant attribute, it is how we create the reality we live in and yet it is something we generally ignore, take for granted, or do not use. If we know how to use our creative ability we would be able to live in our personal ‘heaven on earth’ instead of the nightmarish reality we often find ourselves in. How do we ensure we’re always in the flow of congruent harmony and using our creative energy wisely? Let’s talk about the 5 Steps of Creative Manifestation.

Before we begin, I want to point out two things. First, the word ‘manifestation’ begins with the French word for hand, ‘main’ so to manifest is to use your hands to accomplish something. Continue reading

Light Up the Dark Night of the Soul

graceJennifer Hoffman – The soul and ego create an agreement for each lifetime in which the soul provides the opportunities for learning and healing that the ego agrees to complete. This is the soul mission and the life purpose of each lifetime.

There is no final agreement as to how this outcome will be fulfilled, for that is within the realm of the ego and free will. There is an opportunity to express the soul’s intention for the highest and best outcome but the ego must be able to release its attachment to the resistant energies that it has created and to be willing to raise its vibration for this to occur.

Often this agreement becomes a battle between the ego and free will against the soul and the life journey becomes challenging. The crisis point in this battle is what you call the ‘dark night of the soul’ but it is actually the soul’s attempt to shed light on the darkness or density that the ego is holding. Continue reading

Challenging Changes and Creative Choices

choicesJennifer Hoffman – Nothing is more upsetting than to face a life challenge when we believe that we won’t have to deal with those issues again once we arrive at a certain level in our ascension cycle.

It is unfortunate that there is misleading information that this happens and it is not true. While this can be upsetting it is a test of our self awareness, self esteem, our boundaries, and of how many choices and options we can create for ourselves. While we’re still operating in 3D in the ascension cycle we are not on a limited, one-choice, linear path and that is what we can celebrate when we are faced with challenging changes that demand creative choices.

As you watch the video think about a current life challenge you’re facing. What is your first and most obvious choice and the one that responds to your fears?

Take a step back and engage your intuition — what are other choices you could consider and don’t judge them, let your empowered thinking create some other choices.  Continue reading