Change the Channel

fake newsJohn Michael Chambers – If you change the channel you will change your views. Change your views and you will change your life and the life of others. You see, we live in an age of deception and betrayal as the standard modus-operandi. The evil doers are ramping up their efforts in your face in broad daylight as well as many clandestine and well hidden agendas, systems and deployments.

Many of us have become a part of what I call the robotic hypnotic flock. Ignorant followers, so to speak. Now, being a follower is a good thing as most of us are not leaders, yet we rely on leadership. When being a follower, be a wise and discerning one and not an ignorant one. Be aware of who or what ideology you are following and ask yourself if this is pro-survival with the greatest benefit to the many without hurting the one. Then proceed. The world today, in my opinion has a true leader at the helm. That man is Donald J. Trump.

You may recall this – “I’m running against the media”. In a speech given by Donald Trump on August 13, 2016 in Fairfield, Connecticut, Trump said, “I’m not running against crooked Hillary. I’m running against the media.” Much of this speech was aimed at the media as well as at crooked, lyin’ Hillary. Well, today Trump has exposed the rats in the deep state run media and has successfully branded them as Fake News, an enemy to the people. Of course, he is spot on. Continue reading