What Happens When Democrats Lose Bigly?

What Happens When Democrats Lose Bigly?J. Robert Smith – Cast your mind back to 2020.  Before the November presidential elections, the nation’s cities were convulsed by riots — riots spread by leftist provocateurs, facilitated by Democrat mayors, and condoned by congressional Democrats.  George Floyd’s death was an excuse.  Mayhem was a regular feature for months in the news.

Some Democrats expressed guarded sympathy for rioters.  Most others stayed silent.  Silence lends consent, and Antifa and BLM got plenty of it.  Regardless, the argument went that in the name of racial justice it was virtuous to loot Target, ransack and burn small businesses, and kill.  Among the murdered was retired St. Louis police captain David Dorn.  Dorn, a black man, was murdered by a BLM thug while guarding a friend’s business.    Continue reading

Trump’s Greatest Gambit?

It's Trump's doingClarice Feldman – It has been unseasonably cold in Washington D.C. this spring. The blossoms on the cherry tree on my front lawn had barely bloomed when a cold snap and heavy wind-driven rain scattered the petals all over my front lawn. I stepped out front to pick up a box of herbs left there to be planted when a neighbor passed by.

I don’t know him very well, but his virtue signaling was a rather good clue as to where his sympathies lay. His lawn was peppered with signs: ”Biden-Harris,” “Hate has no Home Here,” “Build Bridges not Walls,” “Refugees Welcome Here,” “Climate Action Now,” “Gun Control Now,” “Black Lives Matter,” “Defund the Police.” By their lawn signs you shall know them, I thought. Still, I was polite — waved and said, ”Hi.” Continue reading

Kamala Continues to Crash On The World Stage

kamala harrisPatriot Outlook – Kamala Harris was sent to Europe two weeks ago in the place of Joe Biden. While Biden would doubtless have had all kinds of problems had he gone, Harris had her own issues and things did not go well. She was chastised for cackling when asked about how the U.S. was going to be dealing with Ukrainian refugees.

She also seemed confused about where she was, saying “northern” rather than “eastern flank.” She was busted on it by Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky’s former press secretary who later deleted her tweet. But perhaps most potentially problematic of all was her statement at the DNC convention where she erroneously implied that Ukraine was part of NATO.

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Kamala Proves the Peter Principle

kamala harrisSloan Oliver – Most of my life, I assumed that we elected serious politicians and appointed competent people to deal with the country’s complex problems — the Cold War, the Vietnam War, the Civil Rights Movement, the economy, immigration, terrorism, foreign policy, natural disasters, etc. — major problems that required competent people, serious about addressing (and fixing) the issues.

That was then, this is now. America is no longer a serious country, and the West is not a serious culture. Continue reading

Get ready for President Hillary Clinton

fbiThis is one of Root’s predictions I pray to God doesn’t manifest on any Earth I find myself on. It would be an Earth where someone who commits treason and other heinous crimes is rewarded with a Presidency.  Only matrix mind could conceive such horror for Planet Earth and rejoice in it.  That said, this article is well worth the read. – Gillian

Wayne Allen Root – Muhammad Ali said, “It ain’t bragging if you can back it up.” So, excuse me for bragging, but in my almost six years as a nationally syndicated radio and TV host, my predictions have been remarkably accurate. I’m not perfect, but I’m batting close to .990. It’s the best record of anyone in the media.

Almost everything I’ve predicted has come true, including a stolen election based on mail-in voting without voter ID; a communist takeover of the USA based on lockdowns, COVID-19 “public safety” mandates and open borders; and President Joe Biden being a brain-dead puppet with dementia. Continue reading