“The Akashic System”


Lee Carroll – Greetings, I am Kryon of Magnetic Service. The masters had a phrase: “It is well with me, it is well with my soul.” They would say it even in times before death, in times that were frustrating, and in times of difficulty. It is because they were focused on one thing and one reality – that the love of God inside them creates love of self. We have said this before. We have channeled it many times. We’ve even told you that it’s the secret to mastery. Get to the place where you are content with that which is in you, which is God, and let all of the other things around you slowly develop in appropriateness as you learn what to do with your life. Do not decide in advance where you’re going to go or what you’re going to do.

Today I wish to give you the profundity of the Akashic system that is Gaia and humanity. What I want to do is explain your relationship to a system that seemingly is complex and esoteric, but that literally defines your relationship with the earth. Every so often, I will give this kind of channel, where absolutely nothing in the message is anything you can prove. It’s not science, but instead it’s spiritual, and this one is about you. Continue reading

The Mysterious Innate

Lee Carroll

Greetings, dear ones, I am Kryon of Magnetic Service. My partner steps aside, but he’s still connected. We have said it before: this process called channelling, it is not a takeover. Channelling is a meld with permission, an agreement with the consciousness of the Human Being, along with his own Higher-Self.

This meld agreement is not hard to make as long as the reality box of belief and tradition allows for it. If you have been taught that this process is not appropriate, then it’s difficult to channel. So a great deal of my partner’s ability to channel is that he knows that it is real and feels the peace about it.

Channelling requires training and practice so that it slowly becomes comfortable. It’s a beautiful “place” where the Human Being can sit and just “be” for the few moments as the information is delivered without the intellect involved. My partner becomes a translator. He takes nonlinear, quantum information from my side of the veil and creates a linear stream into his cultural language. This has taken him years. It’s a learned process.

The filters that the Human Being has in his mind are ones that are developed by the box of his tradition and upbringing. This becomes his “way of life” and then has to be set aside for the channelled message to become succinct and as complete as possible. These messages must be delivered in a way that will make sense to Humans, as much as possible, without Human bias.

Dear ones, as you listen to these things, they may not all make sense. This is why we give the option to listen to these messages later, to be transcribed so you could sit with them and ponder them, so that you could link them with other bits of information and understand how they are connected.

The Lesson Begins

As I begin this lesson, I want to remind you why we’re giving it, for we have never discussed these things in this completeness, so it is time to lay the foundation or the groundwork of the future. The best way to do this is to give an exposure of how things work inside you. As we expose these things, we use language that you’re not used to and concepts that you haven’t really worked with before.

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