The Power And Majesty Of The Elements

The Power And Majesty Of The ElementsRonna Herman – Beloved masters, an understanding of the elements of FIRE, AIR, WATER, and EARTH, which are unique components, facets or elements of the nature of our Father/Mother God within this Sub-universal experience, is vitally important as you seek greater wisdom and Self-Mastery.

These are the four major elements which were encoded within the bodily system of the original human form to assist in Self-realization and Self-mastery on the material plane of existence. These elements are supplied to all created matter in this Sub-Universe via the great Archangels’ RAY-diation of the twelve Rays of God Consciousness from the Heart Core Essence of our Father/Mother God. Continue reading

Raising Kundalini: 5D Shift for Divine Connection And Empowerment

Raising Kundalini in the 5D Shift for Divine Connection And Empowerment

Open – Activation of kundalini is often described as the rise of energy from the root chakra, clearing and cleansing before reuniting with soul consciousness flowing from the source and in through the crown. This free flowing divine energy creates miracles and magic all around you, feels like interconnected joy of living, and unfolds a path of light under your very feet. We’ve entered a phase in the 5D Shift where Kundalini is strongly activating for people… Continue reading

Kundalini Activation – Reclaiming Your True Nature

kundaliniAwakeningOpen – I can recall in my spiritual journey a time of inner purification, which steadily integrated and unleashed soul through my being. Each step was like a home coming – a remembrance of who I was and where I really came from. But nothing was quite like the power of Kundalini Reactivation: the unification of higher and lower self, which I experienced as the top of my head lifting off and a fountain of light connecting me deep into the cosmos. This truly was like coming home!

So what exactly is Kundalini and how do we activate it?… Continue reading

Kundalini Energy for Manifestation of Intention

EnergyKundalini Energy is one of the most underutilized energies for manifesting prosperity. This energy when focused correctly can be used to bring love, light, prosperity and even Spirit into your life. Kundalini is the sacred life force of ethereal fire within you that moves through your chakra system.

When you channel Kundalini, you can imbue power into your manifestation of desires. Remember that prosperity is an energy itself and the energy of Kundalini can be converted into the energy of prosperity in reality. You can learn how this is done by taking a Manifesting Course designed to assist you in discovering how to make your dreams a reality.

The physical dimensional planes were first constructed in order to give us a single moment of awareness. Prior to this, God and We (as an extension of our creator,) experienced all things in totality. The physical planes with their time and space qualities, gave God, as well as all other souls, an opportunity to experience a single moment, of anything. When we look at a blooming rose, we see the beauty of it in that single moment instead of experiencing all it ever was, all it is and all it will ever be.

What a gift! How excited souls were to first experience this wonderful gift. Souls found that incarnating on physical planes also gave them a rare opportunity to isolate and engage their spiritual growth, learning and experience. It was never conceived by our creator that our free will, so generously given, would extend to harming or hurting one another. In God, there is no consciousness of sin. There is only perfection. We are all here to experience who we really are in this world. Who we really are is God in form.

Soon souls got lost in the wheel of Karma, and forgot who they were, lifetime after lifetime of paying debts. Yet man was never supposed to experience physical life detached from their source. God did give us free will, but God never sent souls to the physical plane without a lifeline. We are always connected to God,The Source, even though we may lose awareness of that connection. Being more connected to God means being more aware.

Gaining awareness is the path of spirituality and life progress

Just as a baby is first connected to and nourished by his mother through the umbilical, each soul is connected to their creator through a similar energy cord, which raises the Kundalini, and can be just as nourishing. Kundalini is your life-blood connection to the creation of your physical experience. Without it, you wander through physical reality a victim, instead of a creator of your own destiny. You create your reality with the power of Kundalini. It is the Source Energy from which all things flow and consist.

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What is Kundalini?

Joshua – Kundalini energy is crucial for a long and happy life. Most people are living with only 5% activation and utilization of this energy their entire lives.

Never discovering and knowing its full potential. It’s like the beggar sitting on top of a treasure begging for scraps ignorant of all this wealth beneath him.

How to tap into this? What is it? Continue reading