8 Maori Words to Celebrate You

Photo Credit: Jimmy Nelson, Via author: Bahadur Bryson

Bahadur Hāweatea Bryson –  My maternal side is Māori (Ngāi Tahu, Waitaha) back through my grandmother and great grandmothers. My grandmother grew up in a time of subtle segregation, when being Māori wasn’t easy.

Fairer, with light eyes, she kept that part of her close to her heart and didn’t raise my mother in it. It was only later that I found out she’d quietly learnt language via radio.

So long as language exists, so does everything with it.

I grew up in Australia, yet as a child I woke up with Māori names and words hanging in the leftover space of my dreams. In the 90’s, before the ease of Google, I asked for books to be sent over. Continue reading

That’s the rub

Deana Chadwell – In Act 2 of Shakespeare’s Hamlet the beleaguered prince is alone onstage reading. His tutor, Polonius, enters and they have this exchange:

Polonius: What do you read, my lord?
Hamlet: Words, words, words.
Polonius: What is the matter, my lord?
Hamlet: Between who?
Polonius: I mean, the matter that you read, my lord.

“Words, words, words.” Later on in the play, in the midst of Hamlet’s famous soliloquy he says, “Aye, that is the rub.”  Indeed, that is the rub. Words — words that have been stolen from us to make any kind of intelligent discussion impossible. Not only has the Left tainted the words necessary to a free society, but we find ourselves adrift, trying in vain to find words to replace those lost. Continue reading

The Language of the Birds

Speak a new language so the world will be a new world.” — Rumi

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Laurel Airica – A concept that has gone in and out of fashion among linguists for decades is that words affect perceptions. This would seem obvious to most of us. But now cognitive science has proven beyond doubt that this is true.1

So, what would you do if you knew that the words in your mind-mouth-ears — and throughout the at-most-fear2 — were literally ‘bugged?’ What if you discovered that the food-for-thought packed into letters and words contained cultural biases -— akin to computer viruses — that infected the thinking of long-dead people and have profoundly affected your own worldview? Would you want to spit them out in a hurry — or at least clean up your speech?

As one who has spent a lifetime playing in the magical undercurrent of word symbols and sounds, I have come to the conclusion that English is largely a fear-based language of limitation and persuasion toward conformity and mediocrity. And I think we need to do something about it.

Betrayed By Our Own Tongue

“The Women say the language you speak poisons your glottis tongue palate lips. They say, the language you speak is made up of words that are killing you.”3

Consider the sad ring of ‘mourning’ that greets us each new day as we come ‘a wake’ from our nightly immersion in our personal Life’s Dream. Hear how the ‘week days’ sounds like the ‘weak daze’ and how ‘weekend’ is hardly different from ‘weakened’ — which is precisely how so many of us feel after being pulverized in the ‘daily grind’ through which we endeavor to ‘urn’ our living at various jobs4 and ‘undertakings’.

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DNA, Frequency and Pitch

rulesJill Mattson – Only 10 percent of our DNA makes proteins. Russians (biophysicist and molecular biologist Pjotr Garjajev & colleagues) have studied the behavior of the other 90 percent of DNA. This portion of our DNA serves as data management and storage. Genetic code follows the same rules as human languages. The researchers compared the rules of syntax (the way words are put together to form phrases and sentences) semantics (the study of meaning in language forms) and the basic rules of grammar. The alkaline of our DNA follow grammar and language rules.

They conclude that that the creation of human languages is not accidental, but a reflection of our own DNA. Simply your words can influence your DNA. Qualifying this, they stated that living DNA would only read words when they are the proper frequency. A spiritual master is adept at applying the proper words in the powerful frequency pattern. This would explain why affirmations are more successful with some than others.

Esoteric and spiritual teachers have known that the body is programmable by words, thought and language, but now the science of this phenomenon is beginning to be explained.

SF Source Jill’s Wings of Light  Apr 2016

Russian DNA Discoveries Explain Human ‘Paranormal’ Events

Baerbel – Esoteric and spiritual teachers have known for ages that our body is programmable by language, words and thought. This has now been scientifically proven and explained.

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Language Leaps And The Information Shuffle

Zen Gardner – So much can be told by language shifts. Both what’s being used more frequently in general as well as substantial new additions, and deletions, to the lexicon. This goes two ways. The controllers keep shifting their language and euphemisms to blanket their intentions, while the awakening community grabs hold of and proliferates empowering and revealing words and concepts that grow in usage at an astounding and truly inspiring rate.

languageThis is a powerful manifestation of the awakening.

Just look how easily and readily words like Zionism, the matrix, the Illuminati, social engineering, transhumanism, freemasonry, psychopathy, cognitive dissonance, geoengineering, false flags and big brother surveillance are being used now. These were considered side line or taboo issues discussed by whack jobs not long ago. Now? They’re mainstays of conversation that bleed more and more into the mainstream dialogue.

That speaks volumes as to the effect the onslaught of true information is having. And something to be very encouraged and inspired about.

Droning Psychopaths Tell No Truth

The official narrative of the “powers that shouldn’t be” is also a changing landscape. While our language is rooted in truth, theirs is a constant smokescreen of disinformation designed to deceive, decoy and disempower. Continue reading