Unlock the Mysteries of Laughter

Unlock the Mysteries of LaughterNikki Harper – Laughter, often regarded as the universal language of joy, possesses a remarkable ability to transcend cultural boundaries and connect us on a profound emotional level. But laughter is more than just a spontaneous expression of happiness; it’s a complex physiological response with profound effects on our mental and physical well-being.

The Science Behind Laughter

To fully appreciate the therapeutic potential of laughter, it’s crucial to understand the science that underpins this delightful phenomenon. Continue reading

Laugh Your Way To Abundance And Freedom

HealthJafree Ozwald – When was the last time you experienced a deep belly laugh? Laughter not only feels good, it also produces a powerful manifesting energy that will literally shift your ability to attract what you desire.

When you laugh, your aura literally expands, and the entire energetic field connected to this bio-magnetic field opens up to greater abundance, love, health, and infinite possibilities that exist in the world around you. The light carefree energy of laughter is like a “happy magnet” which will only attract more joyful experiences to you. You tend to attract whatever it is you need in a natural and effortless way. Continue reading

How To Transform Your Tears Into Laughter

“There is no creativity if there is no chaos.” ~Osho

laughterJafree Ozwald – Every experience in life has a purpose, a reason and season to it. There is a time for sadness, and a time for joy. When you truly can let your tears flow, and allow the deepest sadness within you to rise to the surface, it becomes a powerful source of healing that brings profound realizations to your life.

By allowing your deepest possible sadness to be felt and experienced, that energy opens a humility inside you and a vulnerability that touches the core of your being. It pulls you down to bottom of your emotional ocean where you find the easiest sweetest surrender to the very source of who you are. Continue reading

The healing power of laughter

“You can’t beat a good laugh.”

The healing power of laughterDavid R. Hamilton, Ph.D. – This is a popular saying where I live.

It’s one of the most pleasurable things a person can do. One of my fondest childhood memories is of watching episodes of Laurel and Hardy.

It’s hilarious slapstick comedy set in the mid 20’s to mid 50s that follows the fortunes of two down-on-their-luck men – Stan Laurel and Oliver Hardy. It wasn’t just Stan and Ollie that formed my memory, though, it was seeing my Dad laughing so hard at them that he had tears streaming down his face. Continue reading

This is the Only Way to Truly Live

This is the Only Way to Truly LiveDaniel Scranton – Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We have been elevating our consciousness, just as we have been encouraging all of you there on Earth to do the same. We know how valuable the practice is of letting go of what is weighing oneself down and allowing the higher-frequency energies to take over and raise one’s vibration. We so appreciate each and every one of you who is willing to take the time out of your busy day to elevate your consciousness and raise your vibration. Continue reading