Conscious Creation of Your Reality

BeliefJames Tyberonn – There is the science behind the Law of Attraction, and that science is the Law of Belief. The Law of Belief governs what you create in your lives.

Within the Law of Belief are the addendums of the life ‘set ups’ you plan and contract to yourself for growth. But the lessons you arrange are met through your confrontation and disciplined effort.

It is therefore essential that you fully realize that you are never at the mercy of events, you are not helplessly fated to face the unexplainable like a ship lost at sea. Masters, neither psychological events nor physical events have control over you.

When you humans fully comprehend the vast capacity of your brain to hold a diversity of conclusive beliefs associated with your experiences, you will see that you have an infinite array of choices. Continue reading

Self-Fulfilling Prophecies, And The Laws Of Appreciation And Attraction

law Dreamcatcher – The universe is full of mysteries. Over the centuries, people have tried to unravel them by delving into themselves, or taking a personal spiritual journey to discover the hidden wonders and gain wisdom.

Whereas others have delved outwards, using science and language to reflect on the mysteries and gain knowledge about the working of the universe.

However, as we know, science and engineering both have their limits set by what the human mind is willing to perceive as factual and so does not cater to laws that are observed only intuitively. Continue reading

Do Not Give Up. The Beginning Is Always The Hardest!

Tami Gomez – If you’re like 90% of the population, you have a tendency to blame some friend that seems “have it out” for you. It feels like they’re deliberately trying to hold you back, or at the very least, trying to sabotage your success. So you sit there feeling angry, frustrated, deflated or maybe even slightly depressed.

You’re probably talking about how nothing ever goes right. You’re probably hanging out with other people who are constantly talking about it too and I would be willing to be that you’re probably even talking about it on Facebook and Twitter! Continue reading

The Law of Resonance vs. Law of Attraction

The Law of Resonance vs. Law of Attraction : Understanding the Key Differences for ManifestationNikki Harper – Have you ever heard of the Law of Resonance (sometimes called the Law of Vibration) and the Law of Attraction? These two concepts are often mentioned when it comes to manifestation and achieving one’s desires, but they are not the same thing. They are subtly – but importantly – different in how they work and what they require of you.

Both laws are based on the concept that like attracts like but it’s important to understand the difference if you want to use either – or both – of these laws to manifest the life of your dreams. Continue reading

Golden Keys to Harness the Power of the Universe

law of attractionOpen – The Law of Attraction is a powerful tool of the Universe no doubt. Unfortunately, to my mind, it’s been much misdirected and maligned, cleverly disguised in trying to get what the ego wants. But especially now, in these times of great challenge and turmoil, we can bring it to bear in support of our lives in most beneficial ways, providing we do so authentically, and in alignment with the natural flow of the Universe. Let’s explore. Continue reading