Choose Your Battles Wisely

Choose Your Battles WiselyLorna Bevan – On October 10th, Pluto turning direct followed by the Libra Solar eclipse on October 14th lit the fuse to a powder keg in world affairs. This week the Full Moon Eclipse at 5° Taurus on October 28 2023 intensifies the polarization.

Eclipses deliver pressurized concentrated experiences when crises-organic or manufactured – often erupt – this is not head stuff but felt somatically in your body. A lot happens in a short time. Continue reading

Powerful Ways of Letting Go of Anger and Heartbreak

letting goAletheia Luna – The feeling in your chest just won’t go away, and it’s starting to slowly eat you up each day.

Longing, desire, repulsion, bitterness, heartbreak, sadness, volcanic rage — so many emotions mixed together. So much pain. So much pure and unexpressed suffering.

When will these feelings dissolve? When will you finally feel calm, grounded, and happy again? It all seems like too much for one person to carry. You just want to enjoy life again without the tormenting weight of anguish and bitterness in your chest. You just want to feel whole again.

If you’re currently facing betrayal, abandonment or unfathomable loss, I want you to know that you’re not alone. I know what it’s like to carry so much pain inside of you that you go physically and mentally numb. I know how it feels to carry a shattered heart and a deep void of emptiness within. I know what its like to be on the bleeding edge of despair and utter desolation. And I have seen this struggle countless time in other people too.

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Pleiadian Message June 2023

Pleiadian Message June 2023Christine Day – Great spaces of light consciousness are descending to Earth creating patterns throughout your skyline, simultaneously the Sun’s rays are intensifying heralding in another aspect of the New Dawning’s frequency on the earth plane.

You are being prepared energetically to align within this higher arena of pure vibrancy light, which is being made manifest through your Heart, bringing your Heart into to a newly aligned frequency of its potential. Continue reading

Monthly Astro-Forecasts April 2023

Monthly Astro-Forecasts April 2023.Sarah-Jane Grace – Letting go and letting love both continue to take center stage throughout April as we each find ways to lighten the load we carry and allow the space created to remain filled with love, possibility, and light.

When we create space in our lives, we so often rush to fill it up again; it’s as though space is something that needs to be occupied, but it really isn’t. Space is an opportunity to rest, re-centre and breathe deeply. Space gives each of us a chance to look at the bigger picture and to regain perspective and clarity.

Space is a gift to be treasured as it allows us to look beyond the four walls of our everyday lives in order to see more clearly; when we truly look, we see, we hear, we notice and the world shifts from monotone hues to a kaleidoscope of color, sounds and energies. Continue reading

The Transformational Effect of Letting Go of Resentment

resentmentSteve Taylor, PhD – Recently I met a woman called Sena, whose brother was killed 13 years ago. Tony, her brother, was working as a chef in the British army, when he was shot by one of the soldiers in his own unit. The soldier claimed it was an accident, that the gun had just gone off as he put it over his knees. He was eventually sentenced to two years in prison for manslaughter. The death was made even more tragic by the fact that Tony’s wife was pregnant with their first child.

Sena’s life was thrown into disarray. She had a psychological breakdown, couldn’t work or sleep, and was put on strong psychiatric drugs. She became timid, felt that she couldn’t face the outside world, and didn’t leave her house for months. It was made worse by the media attention which the incident caused. The investigation and trial lasted for more than two years, and as Sena told me. “We lived in a small town where nothing ever happened, so it was big news, and always featured in the local newspaper and on local television.” Continue reading