Mystical Space

let go of pastKate Spreckley – We are still in this mystical space between the old and the new which requires a profound willingness to let go of the past and any attachments we have to future outcomes.

Currently, we are being urged to dive deeply into this space and rediscover the truth of who we are, to reconcile the past and recognize that all that we have endured has led us to this place where true mastery of self is possible. Continue reading

The Deep Healing in Loss

lifeMary O’Malley – My life seems to be filled with cancer lately. I have been diagnosed with a rare form of blood cancer, and I have a couple of friends who are also working with cancer. Needless to say, it is very intense, not only for those with cancer, but also their families and friends who walk the journey alongside them. Yes, it is a fierce process, but I also experience it as a benevolent process.

When we are caught in our struggling minds, as many people are, we don’t want to face the thought of loss, whether it is the loss of a relationship, a loved one, our health or even our life. So what do we do? We hold on, hold on, hold on, and then it becomes an extremely difficult journey. We have become lost in the illusion that life is solid, and peace will come when we can make it the way we want it to be. In this blindness, we don’t see loss, which includes death and dying, as a healing process. And this is our suffering.  Continue reading

Letting Go, Letting Go, Letting Go

lifeMary O’Malley – Take a moment to notice, are you holding your breath? Is there tightness in your shoulders or tension in your stomach? In this wild roller coaster ride called life, we all hold on a lot.

We have all been conditioned to do life, which causes a lot of trying, judging, comparing and wishing things were better or different than what they are. And this tightens your mind, your body and your heart.

There is another way to live life. It is the art of letting go. I invite you right now, as you breathe in, to tighten every single muscle you can find and then, very slowly, on your out breath, let all that tightness relax. If it calls to you, do this a few more times and you may begin to notice a spaciousness that comes when you soften what is chronically holding inside of you.

You might also have discovered a resistance inside of you to even stop and allow one long slow out breath! No need to judge this. We are all scared of letting go because the last time we were that open to life – when we were very, very little, – we got scared out of ourselves and we have all been holding on since. Continue reading

Signs It’s Time to Move On and Burn All Bridges

timeAletheia Luna – There often comes a point where we outgrow the people in our lives, develop different interests, and even in the best circumstances, lose people due to the natural cycle of life and death.

But when is the right time to move on from a relationship that feels doomed? Should we wait it out … should we try to pick up the broken pieces, and if so, for how long? At what point is it acceptable to walk away and never look back?

Burning bridges is a tough and serious decision to make. When we “burn bridges” we are essentially cutting off all contact with a person and making it impossible to return. If you’re struggling with this decision, there are a few things you might like to know first.

When Burning Bridges is the Wrong Choice

Cutting people off is not always the right decision. As much as we would like to quickly dispose of a person who is causing us trouble, sometimes the problem originates more within us than them. Continue reading

Letting Go into the Power of Light

powerShanta Gabriel – It is a new time. It is a new moment. When you cling to the status quo, you are clinging to the way things used to be. Sometimes it feels safer to hold to the old way. Change can be frightening and yet, is your world not changing constantly? In holding on to the status quo, you are clinging to a thought of how something used to be, when you have the power to change it for the better this very moment.

There is tremendous power in your thoughts. A thought is like a prayer to the universe, asking for what you want. If your thoughts are unconscious, if fears play a large part in what goes on in your mind, in effect you are asking for the things that frighten you to come into your life.

Fear is part of the status quo and the greatest fear seems to be of the unknown. Yet it is not possible to always know exactly what is to be. You are being to asked to let go of your fears and to allow the power of the light of God to guide, nourish and protect you.

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