New Moon is Thursday, October 19 at 1:11 PM Mountain Daylight Time (MDT).

balanceLena Stevens – Use this new moon as a transition time from working on and experiencing your inner stability and balance, to using it as your container of support as you step out and show up more in your life. Take courage and commitment from some of the stronger energies surrounding this New Moon and continue to focus on how best to balance your life with what you have to work with at this time.

Revisit your intentions and refine them based on recent events, experiences, insights and acceptance of changes made by others. Practice being adaptable, observant, neutral, accepting and resilient. This may bring up having to look at your attachments and consciously work on letting them go. This is a time to be in community, get support, and make a stand for yourself. Be responsible for your own life. No-one else out there is.


Astrological Notes

Libra New Moon
Sun and Moon in Libra ~ 26º
Thursday, October 19, 1:11 PM Mountain Time
(October 19, 7:11 PM Greenwich Mean Time)

Patricia Liles – Libra New Moon is so likely to carry us out of our comfort zones and give us some sort of electrical zap that forces us into radical reset! Why say that?  The Sun and the Moon in Libra 26º are exactly opposite Uranus, an influence of upset, pattern breaking, emotional chaos and excitement. Continue reading


– We have been through several months of ups and downs, emotional extremes, fits and starts, breakthroughs and changes, despairs and elations, successes and failures. We are a little road weary and slightly hyper vigilant about “keeping it all together”. So the theme this month is balance because that is what we all desperately need at this time and the influences of the times support it.

It is a time to carve out space for assimilation and integration of what we have gone through in the past months of both conscious and subconscious changes and much personal growth. There is an edge to this month and personal boundaries will be tested as we strive for more balance in our lives. It will be important not to over react but rather to see balance in terms of boundaries more as a dance than a hard edge. It is a great month to observe and tackle any addictive behaviors, black and white belief systems, extreme mood swings, irrational fears and attachments to anything in the past.

We have an opportunity to start a new chapter this month launched by a beautiful new moon on September 30. This new chapter needs to have us looking forward not back. RELATIONSHIP is another theme for this month and works with BALANCE by inviting us to bring everything that is out of balance into right relationship.

What does balance look like?

There is balance between doing and being. We all know what “doing” looks like and some of us have been “doing” way too much. The irrational fear is that if you loosen up the “doing” somehow everything will fall apart. We have a somewhat erroneous belief that the state of “being” is where nothing happens. It is a vacation, a stepping out of or a withdrawal from life. It certainly can be that however the positive expression of the state of “being” can be very active where a lot happens. We should never underestimate the power of assimilation and integration. Most of us carry so much undigested and unassimilated material that it is a wonder we can focus on anything.

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New Moon in Libra: An Expansive Time For Relationships

new moonCarmen Di Luccio – We are having a New Moon in Libra that many people are referring to as a ‘Black Moon,’ which is when there is a second New Moon in the calendar month. This is similar to a Blue Moon, which happens when there are two Full Moons in a month. It will occur on September 30th in the Americas and October 1st everywhere east of there.

New Moons bring in a new wave of energy for the upcoming month. This one is coming in on the heels of an action-packed month of Eclipses and Mercury Retrograde in Virgo, during which time we saw many changes and needed to make important adjustments in our lives. This will be a month of taking forward action based on the aftermath of those changes.

New Moon in Libra Conjunct Jupiter

Jupiter, the planet of expansion, went into Libra on September 9th after being in Virgo for a year. It will stay there until October 2017 and this New Moon cycle will really kickstart it. Jupiter in Virgo left us feeling like there is too much to do, and although this energy has made its mark and is still lingering, the expansiveness of Jupiter shifts into Libra territory, which is more pleasant and easier to handle.

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Trying to find balance with lots of socializing- New Moon Outlook 9/30/2016 [Video]

Joseph Anthony – We have a more hospitable welcoming committee beginning with the New Moon in Libra on October 1st, suggesting that we reach out and connect with others. This lunation will be joined by benevolent Jupiter, which entered Libra on September 9th, bringing with it greater opportunities to improve our relationships over the coming year.

Fiery energy is the air on October 15-16 when the Full Moon in Aries supercharges our desires. Spontaneity will be rampant during this lunation bringing with it a strong yearning to achieve our goals, as long as it doesn’t become something else. With the Moon tightly conjunct retrograde Uranus the focus is on independence in this assertive sign. Mars, ruler of this lunation, is conjunct Pluto so we’re more inclined to be brave little soldiers but with Uranus in the mix, there’s also the potential for assertive mindedness. This lunation could be highly invigorating or be peppered with a desire to shock and break free.

SF Source Joseph P Anthony Sept. 2016

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Oracle Report – Friday, December 4, 2015

libraThird Quarter Moon in Virgo/Libra 5:33 pm ET/10:33 pm UT: revise, realign

Goddess of Wisdom: Kamala – The Lotus Goddess. Goddess of Transformation

God of Will/Desire: Elias – God of the West, God of Transformation

Skill: 1) express loveliness (love-liness) 2) shift perspective/perception

True Alignments: recombining things, integrating, expression, creativity, vibrancy, new outcomes, following signs or intuition, concentration, poetic, honoring thy self, piercing the veil

Catalysts for Change: over-analyzing, inferiority complexes, restrictions, disappointment, alienated, relying on or living in the past, laziness, unsympathetic, disinterest, loss, needing validation

Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Month: “a woman drawing aside two dark curtains that closed the entrance to a sacred pathway”

Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Year: “the music of the spheres”

Continuing this month’s theme of “a woman drawing aside two dark curtains..,” today we have the Sun located at the degree of “a widow’s past is brought to light.” Again, we have the release or exposure of darkness, grief, or loss in order to bring us to a better place. Paths try to alight today to show us what we need to know.

The energy of the “widow’s past brought to light” always reveals what has been concealed. Things that have been lost are often found, especially parts of ourselves that may have fallen behind or fallen off. Internal strength is fortified, and new opportunities follow suit. Continue reading