Does Life Coaching Or Counseling Actually Work?

Life CoachingFor some individuals, the concept of hiring a professional to help them figure out their life can seem a bit odd and hard to swallow. Why would anyone want to pay a stranger to talk about their problems or complain about not getting what they want from life? Isn’t that what friends are for?

Unfortunately, this is what many people do when they rely on friends and/or family to help them figure things out, not realizing that the person they choose may be biased – not trained to understand the subtle things you’re saying that are a clear sign you either have a mental health issue such as depression, or that you are chronically stuck in life and are an adult child.

At a certain point in one’s life, if you really want to move forward and overcome things that are holding you back, you’re going to need to hire a trained professional. This is where life counseling or coaching can come into play. Continue reading