Unlocking the Secrets of ‘Big Heart’ Relationships

Unlocking the Secrets of 'Big Heart' RelationshipsJennifer Hoffman – Have you ever loved someone so much that you were determined to make the relationship work out, no matter what it took?

Have you ever been in a relationship where you thought everything in your life depended on it?

Have you ever felt that you would die if someone wasn’t in your life (maybe not physically die but you just cannot imagine living your life without them)? Continue reading

Forgive And Release

ForgiveVeronica – Often through life there is a tendency to carry the vibrational baggage of past moments. It is the intention to go through the baggage to remove things no longer necessary to the journey. However, this often is not the case.

Past indiscretions, arguments, decisions, etc., can often fill your perspective so fully that it becomes difficult to be in the present moment.

Being in a physical life was meant to have movement. Standing still amongst the debris of the past is not using the opportunity to its fullest.

No one has had a completely drama free existence. It is condition of the linear to create opportunity through the dramas. The important aspect is to process the moment, and forgive and release the negative remnants. Continue reading

Fundamental Life Lessons Everyone Should Learn

lessonsElimor Bader – Life seems to be a cycle of falling down and getting up again, a process of gaining knowledge and learning lessons. As humans, we are not built to be perfect. Most of us will even make the same mistake over and over again. Yet we do contain the ability to learn from our mistakes which teaches us how to grow as a person.

Some lessons are more profound than others. These we call life lessons. This type of knowledge is a very valuable package we try to carry with us, always. Yet sometimes, some people tend to forget this and they need to be reminded.

Most of the knowledge of life lessons is purely to help and inform yourself. Maybe others can benefit from it at some point via you, but primarily this knowledge is there to aid you and only you. Forgetting those will only create more difficulties and probably some negative outcomes along with it.

So, even if it has only the slightest chance to make life just a tiny bit easier, then it’s worth it. For your own sake then, rather do not forget these 5 life lessons ever again.

1. Life is what you make of it

There is a reason why this saying is being repeated so often, it has a lot of truth to it. You are the director of your own life. That is the part people often tend to forget.

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