The Neglected Power Of Freedom Of Choice

choiceZen Gardner – The degree of freedom to consciously make our own decisions in life is something we’re continually waking up to. It’s similar to living in the now. We keep trying, knowing it’s right, and making fresh runs at it daily to live in the moment more and more fully, either by conscious decisions or spontaneously.

What impresses me is how easy it is to fall into unsatisfactory routines. Be they habitual behaviors or living within self circumscribed limits, whatever the reasons or excuses may be. Physical life lends itself to routine for comfort and convenience. This includes survival issues which can appear quite daunting, and even insurmountable, leading to our environment being dictated by base needs and desires. Continue reading

Anunnaki Geneticist Created Our Bodies, NOT Our Souls

FerocesMente – Approximately one half of the human beings on Earth (about 3.5 billion people) are organic portals, soulless human beings who keep real human beings in line with the status quo, on agenda with the matrix control system.

Organic portals form the backbone of the Matrix’s social control infrastructure. They are what keeps society running in a state of preoccupation with the mundane. From cradle to grave, souled humans are pressured to stay with the status quo and not ask dangerous questions.

Empty people. Puppet people. Cardboard cutouts. Drones. Organic Portals. Background characters. Why do these terms even exist? Continue reading

5 Things the Highest Version of You is Doing Right Now

5 Things the Highest Version of You is Doing Right NowDanielle Fagan – Quantum physic is now indicating that there are infinite parallel realities.  What this means is that there is, in some reality, a version of you who is living the happiest, most vibrant and joyous possible life you can imagine.  If you aren’t in that reality, it is a matter of switching your vibration and being that you.

To tap into this you, you must imagine how it would feel to go about your day as this version of yourself who you would prefer to be.  As you go through and create a whole story in your mind, notice if there are any differences between the you being experienced by you now and the reality of the you who you would prefer to embody. Continue reading

Roles We Play

rolesPavithra – Learning to play roles is one among many things we have learned since we were children. We play roles according to our family, culture, society, creeds that we belong to, the work we do and in many other areas of our life.

The amount of roles varies as we grow up; some we drop or grow out of while embracing another then the others we tend to hang on to till we die. Some of them are assigned to us as we grow up, like a child, a student, a mother, a father, a sister, a brother, etc. These roles are there to make things easy for a society to run, a label of a sort to identify our part within the group we are part of. Continue reading

This is Why You’re on Earth

This is Why You’re on EarthDaniel Scranton – Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are very eager to see where humanity is headed, as we understand that you all have many, many choices in front of you. It is our desire, always, to present you with the choices, the opportunities, the options, that will give you what it is that you really want, and in good timing as well.

We want you all to feel how much is available to you right now, to feel into the various timelines that you have in front of you. And we also want you to know that just as you don’t have to wait for an event, a solar flash, full disclosure, free energy, or the landing of ships to bring you into a higher state of consciousness, you also don’t have to wait for your fellow humans to start cleaning up their collective act. Continue reading