How Time Works in Your Favor Now

How Time Works in Your Favor NowDaniel Scranton – “Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.”

We have so much to offer you in so much of your time, because we are aware that the amount of time that you have before you complete the shift in consciousness is long enough to get a lot done.

You sometimes think in very linear and third-dimensional terms when it comes to time, and you think about how much time it’s going to take to build this or repair that. You look around in nature, even in nature, and you see how long it takes for things to grow, and you may think that spiritually speaking, that must also be the case. Continue reading

Energetic Things You May Experience As Your Body Is Being Upgraded

timeRosie Neal – There are many energetic things happening right now to us and you receive body upgrades. It’s coming to us through many different forms such as Gamma wavesSolar flares, Photonic light-waves and even with the Schumann frequency being off. That’s the heartbeat of the planet that is measured can be seen and measured by NASA from space.

15 Energetic Things You May Experience

1. Bifurcation triggering emotions

There’s a bifurcation taking place and a separation of densities. This is going to bring a lot of things to the surface and they will create lot of triggers that will come up to trigger you into old judgments.

2. Old issues arising

Some of the things you may have dealt with in the past will be re-triggered and they’re coming up for release. Continue reading

Aloneness – Consider It

linearVeronica – We have been asked often about what to do in times of feeling alone and adrift. It is often perceived as a moment of desire coupled with a deep fear of the separateness of others.

One must realize that times of contemplation occur not only in the afterlife, but also within a current life pattern. The key is to realize that being alone can offer great opportunity to assess the process of one’s soul.

The absence of others can eliminate distraction often caused by the participation of others. It is easy to get caught up in the dramatics of linear, especially when those around you have not clear definition of what they are doing.

Look upon singularity as an opportunity to clean out the drama of what n longer serves your higher intentions. Think clearly upon what your soul desires, not necessarily what the linear ego wants. By clearing a path inwardly, you create an outward rise to achieve that which is truly a definition of you.

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