Ways to Stop Feeling Lonely and Isolated

lonelinessSal Mateo – You’re surrounded by people. They’re laughing, smiling, and talking. Everyone seems to be having a great time – they all seem to feel so connected with each other. But no matter how much you want that feeling, you can’t help but feel completely alone.

A sense of heaviness and hollowness may fill your chest as you watch them all:

I am alone, completely and utterly alone. Nobody can truly see me. No one truly understands me. No one even cares. I make no difference to them. I am not like them at all.

Your thoughts may spiral as the emptiness you feel becomes more and more suffocating.

Can you relate to these feelings?

Can you relate to being in a room full of people but feeling totally alone and isolated inside?

If so, I want to assure you that you’re not alone. Continue reading

Messages for July 31 – August 6, 2017 [Video]

Doreen Virtue – It’s a rainy day while we’re filming, so we’re tucked into Doreen’s office patio with the dogs.


Part 1 of the video focuses upon healing loneliness and fear, especially related to childhood. Part 2 discusses how to hear and follow your divine guidance, which keeps you safe and joyful. Part 3 extends the Divine Healing for Addictions video course offer until the end of August, now that the cart issue has been resolved.

From the Cherub Angel Cards at: http://bit.ly/CherubCards

SF Source Doreen Virtue Jul 2017

Ann Albers ~ Messages From The Angels

familyThe Angels – Celebrate because you are here on the earth, among friends, among family! In truth, everyone is your family. You have millions of brothers, sisters, children, mothers, fathers, aunts, and uncles, cousins, just waiting to be discovered.

The person behind you in line might be a long lost loved one from another time or a soul you knew in the heavens.

The “stranger” you help is one of God’s children too, a perfect divinely created being there to help you grow and learn more about your light, as surely as you are helping them.

Dear ones you are never alone upon this planet earth! It is impossible. If you feel lonely, take a walk in a public place and smile at strangers. Sit in front of your internet and connect with souls of like mind in so many different places and website. We here in the heavens love the fact that you can connect with one another so easily and while we understand there are certainly misuses of your computers, so many more of you are using them to find one another, to share ideas, and to share possibilities, dreams, and visions.

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Libra Full Moon Eclipse: Are You A Lone Wolf?

Simone Butler – In America, 27 percent of people now live alone. In other parts of the world, the figure is even higher – 32 percent in Japan, 47 percent in Sweden. Some of these folks may be enjoying the single life, but others are just plain lonely. Even if we live and work with others lonelinessor stay connected via technology, recent research suggests that our relationships are becoming more superficial and less rewarding. No matter how many friends you have on Facebook, you can still feel lonely. This “loneliness epidemic” is on par with obesity and substance abuse in terms of a public health crisis. It can even kill you: The pain of prolonged loneliness increases your mortality risk by 26 percent.

Loneliness stems from not sharing your deepest self with others. Yet being a lone wolf doesn’t necessarily mean you’re lonely. Doing your own thing can be fun and nourishing. This is the province of independent Aries. Right now we have Sun, Mercury, Uranus and the South Node in this “me-first” sign. At the upcoming Libra Full Moon (April 4, 5:06 am PDT) the fiesty Aries Sun eclipses the sociable Libra Moon. Since this eclipse catalyzes the turbulent – and recently exact – Uranus-Pluto square, it can bring relationship tensions to a head. A little me-time is great, but this full moon cautions you not to isolate yourself overmuch or  dismiss others’ needs. A little kindness goes a long way. Continue reading

The Power of Solitude

Frank M. Wanderer – The Mystery of Solitude is one of the greatest mysteries in our life. As human beings, we are social creatures and, without others around us from birth, we would not even be able to stay alive in this world. Social space plays a crucial role in the development of our personality, as the direction of our development is determined by the expectations of other people and our desire to meet those expectations. That is how we become a part of a collective, social space called society, and society receives its special nature from the culture it alonerepresents.The book of our personal history is written in this social space, and our identity is built upon the foundation of our personal history. We are surrounded by other people, and their expectations and requirements are present in our mind when we are alone. Most people do not understand the difference between solitude and being lonely. Being alone is at the same time loneliness for us. The two words, however, mean two different situations. Solitude is the state of the mind, whereas being alone is the state of the Consciousness.

In the isolated state of consciousness of Ego-dominated mind we do not like to be alone, when we are alone, we think we are lonely, we find it difficult to tolerate, we try to avoid it. How we do it, depends on our temper and personal attitudes.

Extroverted people focus primarily on social life. When we are alone, we seek friends, go to parties, because we like to share our pleasures and sorrows with others. Continue reading