Remember to Be Kind to Yourself

be kind to yourselfDavid R. Hamilton PhD. – There’s plenty that can be said about the importance and the benefit of being kind to people. I’ve certainly said plenty.

But let’s also remember to be kind to ourselves.

Many of us find this difficult and, in the spirit of honesty, I do too. Some of the difficulty originates from the idea that being kind to yourself is selfish, the notion that it means to put yourself first; be kind to yourself instead of others or, at the very least, before you help others. Continue reading

Buddha and the Elements of Love

elements of loveMatt Caron – There are so many definitions of love.

Just look for quotes over the internet or even Facebook. You’ll find at least a thousand definitions on a daily basis.

But do we know what ‘true love’ really is? Is there one universal way of defining ‘love’?

Quite honestly, there isn’t. Most of these quotes are really based on experience – sometimes fearful, sometimes cautious and cynical. It’s anything but what is known as a ‘higher love’.

For the most part, our understanding of love is derived from reality TV shows, the movies, or even the fairytales that we grew up reading or listening to. Continue reading