Full Moon of Introspection, Missed Connections, and Unusual Insights

Full Moon of Introspection, Missed Connections, and Unusual InsightsHenry Seltzer – The Cancer Full Moon comes along on Friday January 6th, at 3:08 PM PST, or 6:08 PM EST, late evening for Europe. This Full Moon, at 16 + degrees of Cancer, is rather amazing in its connection with the personal planet retrogrades of Mars and of Mercury that dominate the entire January month. As such, this Full Moon will emphasize the inward turning of this fraught time period when both Mars, for some two and a half months now, and Mercury, since December 29th, have moving backward through the sky in their apparent geocentrically derived positions.

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November 2022 Astrology Overview

November 2022 Astrology OverviewJoseph P Anthony – Hold on, we’re in for a wild cosmic ride this month as we find ourselves in the middle of eclipse season and mighty Mars begins its retrograde cycle. As November begins we are still feeling the effects of the October 25th New Moon Solar Eclipse in Scorpio, and 2 weeks after that one we have a powerful Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Taurus and it’s a doozy.

Eclipses serve as catalysts for us to aspire to our destiny’s deeper calling. They are doorways that open and close providing guidance and realizations about where we are in life. These powerful lunations offer us an opportunity to self-reflect and to experience inner alignments while transmuting the past into new sources of energy. Eclipses always arrive in pairs—and land in exact opposite signs in the zodiac, in this case, Scorpio and Taurus. Power struggles can be explosive under these eclipses. Continue reading

An Invisible Fog

AN INVISIBLE FOGLorna Bevan – A heads up. We are in the seismic bardo period between 2 eclipses – the Solar Eclipse at 2° Scorpio on October 25th and the approaching Total Blood Moon Lunar eclipse at 16° Taurus on November 8th. Expect sudden sideways jolts as eclipse effects/events continue to ripple through the timeline for 6 months after the exact dates.

Adding to the flux and churn, Mars turns Retrograde at 25° Gemini on Sunday October 30 to January 12 2023 for the first time in 2 years. Warrior Mars entered Gemini on August 21st and will stay for an unprecedented 7 months until March 26th 2023. Continue reading

Mars Retro: Anger and other Energy needing Expression

angerDana Mrkich – Happy Solstice everyone! It’s the shortest day of the year for us in the Southern Hemisphere, and longest in the Northern.

We also have Mars, the planet of “energy needing expression”, preparing to go retrograde next week. Retrograde periods highlight and intensify the influence of a planet, making us more aware of how we’re using a particular energy in our life. With Mars, it can bring up: anger, rage, explosive outbursts or aggression.

It’s a time to look at why these emotions are coming up:

What is really being triggered? What underlying issue is wanting your attention?

What is your habitual response when it comes to anger? Do you shut down, suppress it or project it?

Do you need to change this response? Do you need to learn to express yourself and your needs in a more assertive way?

Mars retro can also increase your desire to be physically active or vice versa enforce or encourage a period of rest.

It’s also a great time to cook up creative ideas that you can implement a few months down the road.
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