Astrological Planetary Alert June 2022

Planet Alert June 2022Mahala – Hello everyone! How are you handling these intense energies? Are you able to remain calm as the chaos continues in the world? I have been extremely busy and that is why I did not get my article written in May.

Mars moved into Aries on May 24, and that was the day the shooting at the school in Texas occurred. My compassion goes out to all those parents who lost their beloved children. When will all this violence end?

Unfortunately, Mars will be in its own sign of Aries until July 4, 2022. We are in a cycle of Mars energy right now so we will probably see more violence, fires, shootings, war energy, and arguing between family members or friends. Mars is also a get things done type of energy. Especially since Mercury just went direct. Continue reading

The Mars Doorway Is Not A Door!

The Mars Doorway Is Not A Door!Joseph P Farrell – The professionalism and expertise of our…er…uhm… professional and expert classes always amazes me, particularly with how quickly they can find explanations for things. Why, within a couple of hours, the whole 9/11 plot was unfolded when the media informed us that Bin Laden did it.

Within mere minutes, Lee Harvey Oswald was apprehended by the Dallas police in a movie theater. No sooner than the Face on Mars had been photographed than it was deduced that it was all a trick of light and shadow. No, that was not a UFO that you saw, in spite of its glowing, beeping nature, metallic appearance, and physics-defying maneuvers. It was merely swamp gas, the flatulence of methane from gassy stagnant water. Continue reading

Walking Your Talk

eclipseLorna Bevan – Saturday’s Full Moon in Aquarius was a wakeup call to stop arguing for your limitations and to move forward. This week the energy shifts quite noticeably – with 3 planets – Jupiter, Mars and Venus- changing signs and all the inner planets – Mercury, Venus and Mars – aspecting 5D karmic points and planets plus Pluto, Sun and Jupiter.

On July 29 Mars moves into Earth sign Virgo opposing gas giant Jupiter just returning to Aquarius, followed on August 1st by a Sun/Mercury conjunction in Leo activating the game changing Saturn/Uranus square.

Expect a lot of hot air! Mars/Jupiter means soap opera style dramatics, overpromising and under delivering, clashes of opinion and self-promotion. Sun/Mercury in Leo can be ultra-narcissistic – two billionaire rocket men spring to mind…… Continue reading

Resistance Or Growth?

MarsLorna Bevan – July starts with a bang, as Mars in Leo is at odds with the ongoing Saturn in Aquarius /Uranus in Taurus square. These are all Fixed signs so clashes between old and new, traditional and modern and progressive and retrogressive are coming to a head. We have been witnessing this play out culturally, politically and personally right from the start of 2021 – now Mars is insistent that you transform 3D Strong Will into unified Good Will, Skilful Will and Transpersonal Will.

Venus is approaching a conjunction with Mars Leo – exact on July 12th – so look for 3rd Way innovative heart-based win/win solutions to challenges or disagreements. Continue reading