Did I Choose This?

mary o'malleyMary O’Malley – There is a powerful quote from Eckhart Tolle that I have kept close to my heart over the years:

“Whatever the present moment contains, accept it as if you had chosen it. Always work with it, not against it. Make it your friend and ally, not your enemy. This will miraculously transform your whole life.”

Now, if you are like me, my first reaction to this idea that I had chosen the experiences of my life, especially the difficult ones, was, “Heck no! I didn’t choose the abuse in my childhood, or a head on automobile accident, or my house and store burning to the ground, or my child getting cancer twice.” In fact, I wanted to give life the finger! Continue reading

Seeing Life Through Fractured Glasses

glassesMary O’Malley – Imagine you have just put on a pair of glasses where the lenses are fractured. Your view of Life would be warped and even a little weird! And yet this is how we can describe what happened to you when you were young. When you were first born you were wide open to Life. There were no stories in your head that filtered your experience of this living moment. There were no ideas that said you needed to be different than what you were in order to be okay.

And yet you, like everybody else, were destined to take on what I call ‘the conditioned mind.’ Eckhart Tolle, author of The Power of Now, calls it the ‘mind made me’. In other words, your mind created a ‘me,’ a somebody that talks in your head all day long, a ‘me’ that creates a warped view of yourself and of Life, a ‘me’ that is exactly like putting on a fractured pair of glasses. Continue reading

Remarkable, Amazing Power of Listening

listeningMary O’Malley – I invite you to take a few moments to close your eyes and simply listen to your life. There are myriad sounds happening all around you and within you. If your mind is a little unsettled with this, count how many different sounds you hear. Stay with this for as long as you can… listening…your attention going back to the stories…and then bringing it back to listening again.

As you lift your attention out of your stories about Life and truly listen, you are making direct contact with your life. Even though this is deeply healing, it may be difficult for your mind to actually be present for the sounds because, if you are like most people, you are not used to doing this. Instead, you are used to thinking about Life rather than actually being here for it. But just a few minutes a day when you use sounds to bring you back to the living experience of Life can be very healing and it can show you that there are all your stories about Life, and then there is Life! Continue reading

Meeting the Deep Ache We All Carry

Photo by Amy

Mary O’Malley – A dear friend I have known since junior high, whom I have not seen for a couple of years, was coming to Seattle for a visit last month and we planned on getting together. We talked a few months before the visit and she gave me the dates that she would be here in Seattle, and I in return gave her general dates I would be available. Then we talked a month before the visit and I gave her specific dates as I was going to be out of town at the end of her visit. Not having heard from her I texted her the week before the visit to check-in about what dates we could get together.

All the dates she sent me were for the time that I was going to be out of town. That was the first inkling that this was going to be a teaching moment by Life. I told her that getting together with her was important to me and asked if there was any way that she could shift some things around. When she said no, it was like being hit with a sledgehammer in my stomach. Continue reading

Back Home to Your Heart

heartMary O’Malley – We rarely make room in our hearts for ourselves.

And yet…

The person you most want to receive kindness from is you.

The person you most want to hear ‘I love you’ from is you!

And yet…

The armoring around your heart can be so thick that oftentimes you may be used to touching yourself with judgment and rejection rather than care, kindness and compassion. Continue reading