Technocracy And The Religion of Masking

Technocracy And The Religion of MaskingGwendolyn Kull – What do burkas, tichels, yarmulkes, hijabs, kapps, fezzes, dukus, and surgical masks all have in common? Religious cultures mandate or strongly encourage these head coverings to comply with dogma. Although most of these are rooted in ethnic and religious traditions of any denomination to reflect humility before G-d and modesty before man, surgical masks have become the morality trend of the Western world for those who fear The Science before they fear any god.

As absurd as that last sentence may sound, the People of the United States are under siege–a war that is targeting our greatest claim to fame, our pride and joy: our freedom.

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Masks – They’re Back!

Masks – They’re Back!Brian C. Joondeph, M.D. – Jack Torrance, the raging alcoholic character in The Shining, screamed famously in the movie, “I’m back!”

Another such character in the real-life horror movie called COVID-19, is the face mask. And like Jack Torrance, the mask is beginning to shout, “I’m back!”

According to the CDC, COVID hospitalizations and deaths are creeping up a bit, but overall the numbers are low compared to a few years ago. There is also the issue of “with versus from” COVID. Someone hospitalized for back or heart surgery who tests positive for COVID will be counted a COVID hospitalization. This is vastly different from a patient with respiratory failure or pneumonia from COVID. Continue reading

Why the masked and the unmasked have disdain for each other

masksDennis Prager – Among the many unbridgeable divides between Americans is a completely antithetical view of mask wearing. On one side are those who wear masks almost everywhere outside their homes and who demand that others do so, including young children in class and on outdoor playgrounds, and 2-year-olds on airplanes.

On the other side are those who only wear a mask where they are punished for not doing so (most obviously, airplanes). They regard masks as essentially pacifiers for adults. Continue reading

To The People of Earth

plandemicJames Gilliland – The Earth is in the process of being liberated from all tyranny, draconian law is in the process of being replaced by Universal Law. We have cleaned up the vast majority of other dimensional unseen negative forces governing the Earth now it is up to the white hats and the ground crew. It is time to understand the hierarchy of tyranny that has been in control of Earth for over 400,000 years.

The first colonies in your recorded history and archeology were the ancient Lyrians from Lyra. Many refer to them as the Annunaki, those who came from heaven to Earth. The Lyrians were up to 24 feet tall and they were split into various houses or ruling factions. Continue reading

Tyranny Always Starts with a Little Prick

AmericansJ. B. Shurk – Ten years ago, when Tea Party Patriot groups were popping up all over America to fight back against Obamacare’s socialized medicine and its expansion of the welfare state, it was common to hear the battle framed as one between “makers” and “takers,” a rebuke by working-class Americans who knew they would ultimately be paying more in taxes for worse health care so that Americans who paid no taxes at all could have their “fair share.”

When people called out Obama and his medical mandates (you must have Obamacare, and Obamacare must cover abortions, “sex change” operations, and anything else the government decrees…) for orchestrating a federal takeover of one-fifth of the economy while inviting Big Brother to peek behind the hospital curtain and spy on the private health decisions of every American, they were lambasted for not having enough empathy for those in need.

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