March Forecast 2021

The main theme for March is “Creative Momentum”

changeLena Stevens – March is about taking the lessons and challenges of the past few months; the hard truths, the painful growth, the inspiring change, the sudden opportunities, and putting some creative energy behind choices, new beginnings, resolutions and intentions. We are moving from the pull of the past into the push of the future. If we do this wisely and consciously, this month can truly be a turning point and feel like the beginning of a new cycle and a new year.

Creative ideas that have been lurking in your field can be recognized, come forth, fall into place and gain some momentum. There is the potential for more clarity, more understanding, more patience and more courage as we begin to trust our intuition and to take more responsibility for our attitudes and our power to manifest what we want. The more we have released and forgiven, the more space we have created this month for new gifts to manifest. Continue reading

Create A New Year to Celebrate! (Part 2)

Every year your capacity to walk the Earth as a Living Master expands, as does your inner most desire to live in peace, love, kindness and freedom ~ and continues to expand with each New Moon and Full Moon. When you use this energy expansion to increase your mastery, your ascension path unfolds with ease and grace. As you  recognize and realize each new heartfelt desire, you are filled with increasing gratitude and joy for your wonderful life. This is the natural process of evolution on planet Earth. Is this the way you are living your life?  – Masters of Ascension Serapis Bey & Lady Solaris

new earth
Image: “Waking Up In A Dream” by

Sharon Rose – This year of 2018 is a year of mastery. Numerology defines this year as an 11 ~ the Master.  2018 is perfectly poised to prepare you to realize you living as a Master and entering the New Earth. At the beginning of each new year ~ and this year especially ~ there is a deeper desire that is birthed within your awareness from your Divine Presence, your True Self. Continue reading

Meek and Masterful – Personal Power with Inspired Action

selfJennifer Hoffman – The translation of the word ‘meek’ in the bible, where Jesus said ‘the meek shall inherit the earth’, has always bothered me because the church has always used it to imply subservience, obedience, and submission, none of which I am very good at, in the worst and most disempowering context. How can we be both meek and powerful, trying to avoid embodying the worst of the power abuses we see in the world while being grounded in our mastery? The key lies in understanding what this word really means and how it integrates with our power.

The actual word, as written in the original text, was the Greek word, ‘praus’, has a much different meaning than being weak and powerless. It actually means self-controlled or self aware and its context doesn’t imply that we should be quiet and submissive. Rather, it implies the deep, quiet confidence of the self empowered, self aware, and self controlled. Those are the ones who inherit the earth, or who are in control of the energy of the earth.

A ‘meek’ person has inner power and they don’t have to throw their weight around to prove how powerful they are. Self awareness is the most powerful way to be because we know who we are and from that we can embrace our power in a quiet way that doesn’t require others’ acknowledgement, permission, or approval. Continue reading

The World Is In The Midst Of Many Major Transitions

The Arcturians – Dearest students of truth we come to you in love, bringing that which we know you are ready to understand and integrate as you help to bring forth a new world.

Life on earth has become a wild ride for many, with lives disrupted and comfort zones all but gone. This is what you volunteered for. You knew and yet chose to experience everything necessary for personal as well as the collective evolution of mankind. You were well aware that these times would be tumultuous ones as hardened world beliefs and old energies began to dissolve, creating massive resistance within the old world order.

The world is in the midst of many major transitions as a result of the ever more intense higher frequencies of Light now pouring to earth and available to all. Those choosing to go with the flow of change will experience fewer painful issues than those who resist.

You are being reborn dear ones, and as you know, birth is not always easy. The task of accepting new ways of seeing and being can be wrenching for those still solidly fixed in the old ways. These dear ones continue to stridently seek completeness outside of themselves through people, places, and things all the while living in fear of the unknown because a consciousness of duality can only manifest as duality–bad/good, sickness/health, lack/abundance, right/wrong.

Secure and comfortable only within the boundaries of what is known and accepted by collective consciousness, and ignorant of their own innate power and identity, these dear ones continue looking to the rules and beliefs of others for direction until at some point this approach no longer works and they are forced to begin their journey of awakening.

You are evolving into a consciousness that remembers who it is, into the Light Beings that you have always been but did not realize. Be not afraid for all is proceeding according to plan and know that nothing real can ever be lost. You will experience the same wonderful things that you love now, only on higher levels. Attempting to figure everything out is impossible as the human mind is limited to what is already known in collective consciousness. Continue reading

Ronna Star – AA Michael September 2015 Message

selfBeloved masters, returning to the narrow path of Ascension in consciousness is the beginning of transcending opposites where there is no good or bad, right or wrong, only harmonious personal choices within the accepted spectrum of duality. As an empowered, functioning Self-master, you will make only the highest and best choices for the benefit of ALL. Slowly, but surely, the imperfections you have created both in your inner and outer worlds are being rectified. It has taken a very long time for the Earth and humanity to reach the present state of imperfection that is now prevalent. The level of transformational progress that has been made by you, the earthly Legions of Light, in such a short time is truly miraculous.

Indeed, the multidimensional doorways of the past are closing, and the doorways of the future are opening at a faster and faster pace as the process of Ascension accelerates. The fear of change has been a major controlling factor within your conscious awareness for a very long time. In the beginning of your journey into density, you sought a great variety of self-expression and change, and you delighted in each new creation. It has only been during your earthly experiences that you have forgotten that you were a cocreator endowed with a full measure of creative abilities, and that you have a direct link to the power source of Creation via the River of Life/Light.

As you learn to breathe deeply and effortlessly, you descend into your Sacred Heart Center where the Creator and Creation are one. This is when you begin to awaken and realize that you are experiencing your reality through a veil of illusion, that you are the dreamer as well as the dream. You begin to release yourself from the bonds of the mass consciousness belief structure, and you begin to seek your own higher truths. At that time, you begin the journey back into wholeness as you strive to recreate yourself into the SUN CHILD of our Father / Mother God—a Being of Light—which is your Divine Heritage. The Creator is THE SOURCE OF THE BREATH OF LIFE. The Breath is your Lifeline to and from the ALL THAT IS. As you inhale, you receive this gift that originates from within the Heart Core of the Creator. With each exhalation, you send this gift of Sacred Breath back to into the realms of the Infinite Source of Life. Continue reading