How an MBA Benefits Self-Made Entrepreneurs

business skillsSuccess stories of entrepreneurs such as Bill Gates and Richard Branson often focus on the fact that neither of these two highly successful and influential individuals earned a college degree. Whilst society may tell you that a college degree is essential if you want to work in a successful career, this is clearly not always the case if you have a saleable business idea that is bound to grow. However, with an increasing number of people now starting their own businesses and working from home, more entrepreneurs are considering furthering their education to improve their knowledge and skills, along with increasing their credibility in the industry. Here are some of the best reasons for self-made entrepreneurs to invest in studying for an MBA.

#1. Improve Your Knowledge

Although anybody can start a business of their own, there’s a significant amount of learning which needs to be done before you can understand how to run a business successfully. When you first started out with a business idea, you probably knew a lot less than you do today, and much of it may have been through trial and error. For many business owners with little prior experience, learning is usually done through making mistakes and trying new things to figure out what works. However, studying for an MBA will help you skip making mistakes by providing you with a solid foundation of proven business knowledge to go by when making decisions for your company. Continue reading

The Benefits of a Master’s Degree In Business Administration

benefitsWe all know that taking a master’s degree can require a huge investment of time, effort, and dedication. You’ll ask yourself can I afford this. Will I benefit financially in the long run? Well with an online MBA degree it does make life a little easier when you can work from home, however there’s still the question of life after your degree? That seems a scary prospect, do not fret, for we have a rundown of the financial benefits of doing a master’s degree.

Greater Career Advancement

MBA’s can open up new pathways in life. Many students who study for a masters in business administration degree are seeking to change careers, but not all are. Some are looking to narrow down and gain more knowledge on a specific path. Either way these degrees provide you with new skills within the work place, enabling you to show people higher up that you are an asset to the team. Earning this degree also shows evidence of determination, persistence and intellect. You can even earn your master’s degree alongside work commitments, so check out D’Amore-McKim School of Business to further your career!

Financial Reward

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