Release Judgment And Criticism Of Others

lifeAndrea Schulman – Have you been able to fully release judgment and criticism of others? Or instead do you still find yourself feeling irritated or bothered by the actions and behaviors of others?

I myself am no saint. While I have definitely moved more into a field of appreciating and accepting others, there are still times when I still find myself getting annoyed. This is especially true if I feel someone is being closed-minded.

Ironically, my irritation with another’s closed-mindedness is just a form of my own closed-mindedness, isn’t it?

Below are a few ways I’ve been learning to help me release judgement and criticism of others.

Some of these ideas have helped me move beyond the need to debate and argue with others, and they have helped me repair a number of challenging relationships in my life. Others are newer ideas I am just now learning to play around with.

I hope you enjoy them!

Focus on your heart chakra.

Recently my friend Ross Pittman (of Conscious Life News) offered this suggestion to me: when you get annoyed with others, take a moment just to pause and focus your energy on your heart, which is the love energy center of the body. A simple redirection of focus can help you boost feelings of love over judgement.

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