Calm Your Mind Without Sitting to Meditate

“Our way to practice is one step at a time, one breath at a time.” – Shunryu Suzuki


Bill Lee – Sitting meditation has always been challenging for me; practicing mindfulness, even harder.

As a self-confessed worrywart who has contended with constant ruminations, flashbacks, and nightmares for most of my life (more on this later), all prior attempts at being fully present and not thinking merely served as reminders of how little control I had over my mind. Then I took up hiking and stumbled upon a form of meditation that literally transformed my life.

Initially, just being out in nature on scenic trails cultivated calmness and cleared my head. Almost immediately, I realized that hiking provided a respite from intrusive thoughts that have plagued me since I was a tyke.  Continue reading

The Most Sacred Blessing Of All

The Most Sacred Blessing Of AllJafree Ozwald – You are an eternal being on a sacred roller-coaster ride called Life. It’s got tons of twists and turns to it, a massive uphill climb, a gigantic downhill drop, 24 loop-da-loops and many divine unexpected moments along the way.

You have the choice in every moment how you’re going to ride this ride. If you’re going to grab on tighter with white fists clutching the fake steering wheel, or are you going to sit back and let your hands fly high in the air. However you decide to live your life is totally perfect, just know that the choice is always here to let go of everything in your mind and raise your hands in the air. Continue reading

The Voice of Your Ego, Intuition and Spirit Guides

The Voice of Your Ego, Intuition and Spirit GuidesTanaaz – We all have voices in our heads but whose voice is it? How can we tell the difference between the ego, the intuition and the voice of your spirit guides?

Thousands of thoughts enter in and out of our mind every minute of every day, some consciously and some subconsciously. Being aware of all the voices in your mind is challenging but also crucial on the path to enlightenment.

In fact, many spiritual teachers and the practice of meditation, teaches us not to engage with our thoughts and to instead be the observer. For after all, we are not our thoughts, but the observer behind them- we are the one who is listening to our thoughts. Continue reading

One Simple Exercise to Increase Your Intuition

Intuition: the ability to understand something immediately, without the need for conscious reasoning.

One Simple Exercise to Increase Your IntuitionTanaaz – We are all intuitive beings and we are all born with the same intuitive abilities, it is just that some people have had more practice.

Your intuition already lives within you, it is already strong, and it is already willing to guide you.

Learning to develop your intuition is truly an invaluable tool that can help you make decisions and can bring you clarity when logic alone is not enough. Continue reading

Silent Meditation Benefits Our Mental Health

Silent Meditation Benefits Our Mental HealthKelly Brogan – Hello, I’m Kelly Brogan, and I’m a productivity junkie.

Yes, I have lived so many years in my masculine energy that doing, fixing, mastering, owning, and finishing have been my most defining features. As an ambitious doer, I am wired differently – and it may sound great, but trust me, it’s not.

Being a productivity addict feels, in so many ways, the same as a living a life crippled by incompletion and ineffectiveness. Both lifestyles feel overwhelming because of an external focus on evidence for self worth. There’s a racket in the mind and it’s saying: there’s not enough. Ever. Continue reading