333 Christed Stargate

thothMeg Benedicte – It is no coincidence that the first few months of 2019 are blessed with three zero point Supermoons, occurring at zero degrees. The cosmos is ushering in a massive reality shift on planet earth, a zero point reset. Additionally, on March 3rd, 2019 is a rare 333 Activation of Christed Consciousness. 333 symbolizes the Trinity of Life, the tetrahedron plutonic solid template of quartz crystal.

In numerology, 33 represents the ‘Master Teacher’ and Eternal Truth, exemplified in the ancient Egyptian god Thoth. 33 is the most influential of all numbers – combining Master numbers 11 and the 22.  Thoth is best known as a god of writing and wisdom, a cosmic deity, and vizier of the gods, a creator god and warrior. In esoteric mythology Lord Metatron was Thoth the Scribe, the recording angel of truth. Continue reading

8-8 Lions Gate & Eclipse Finale

eclipseMeg Benedicte – We are entering the final week of an extraordinary eclipse series, culminating in the 8-8 Lions Gate on August 8th and Leo New Moon Solar Eclipse on August 11th. During this week the stargate is fully open streaming a galactic superwave from the Great Central Sun, through our Sun, the Star Sirius, the Earth Grid Point of the Sphinx and the Great Pyramid of Giza. When the Sun is conjunct Star Sirius it creates a Solar Stargate that pours Solar Star Codes for mastery and ascension into the earth plane.

The 8-8 “wave” contains the new Light Codes of the Cosmic Ascension for the next year/cycle. In numerology ‘8’ is the symbol of balance. 8 is the great karmic equalizer, it holds the balance between opposing forces, creating a zero point vacuum that connects spirit and matter. On Wednesday, August 8th we will receive the powerful superwave of ‘8’ frequencies enhancing personal authority, confidence, inner-strength, freedom, abundance and prosperity. Continue reading

Lunar Eclipse Spiral

eclipseMeg Benedicte – We’ve now entered the Eclipse corridor and the second eclipse arrives on Friday, July 27th. It is a Blood Red Full Moon Lunar Eclipse at 4° Aquarius. This is the longest ‘total’ Lunar Eclipse this century, lasting 1 hour and 23 minutes. Just hours before the eclipse, Mercury turns retrograde in Leo on July 26th.

During the Leo/Aquarius eclipse series on the North/South Nodes, society has been dealing with issues of ego-will distortions and karmic resolutions. While Mercury retrogrades in Leo there will be more emphasis on independence, inner authority, personal empowerment and protecting boundaries. Each astrology sign reflects a certain life motto or core strength.  The Leo motto is ‘I will’ and the Aquarius motto is ‘I know’.

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