Oracle Report Saturday, September 22 – Sunday, September 23, 2018

chironLaura Walker – The Sun moves into Libra today (Saturday at 9:54 pm ET) — beginning the lovely and lovey dovey energetics of Libra. It’s a wonderful.

Libra rules harmony, justice, beautiful sights, decisions, and personal/global revolution. among other things.

Many people love this time of year.

This year, as the Sun moves into Libra, it also begins to oppose Chiron.

With this, we also have mighty Uranus conjunct Chiron’s “home spot,” or location in the sky where Chiron was discovered (the Chiron Point). With Uranus, the mantra is “expect the unexpected.”

So this means that this weekend the Sun is highlighting and empowering the forces of Chiron. And anything could happen. There is little predictability here. Continue reading