The Cognitive Benefits of Interacting with Nature

The Cognitive Benefits of Interacting with Nature: A Scientific ExplorationJohn Patterson – In today’s fast-paced, technology-driven world, finding solace in nature has become increasingly important for our overall well-being. While we intuitively recognize the calming effects of a walk in the park or the rejuvenating power of a hike in the mountains, scientific research has increasingly provided valuable insights into the cognitive benefits of interacting with nature.

Now intriguing new findings from a study published in the National Library of Medicine highlight the positive impact nature has on our cognitive abilities and mental health. Continue reading

Social Media: How It’s Affecting Mental Health

Social Media: How It’s Affecting Our Mental HealthAmelia Harris – Social media has become a ubiquitous part of our daily lives, allowing us to connect with others, stay informed, and share our experiences. While it has its benefits, there is growing concern about the negative impact of social media on our mental health.

Research has shown that prolonged use of social media can lead to a range of negative emotions, including anxiety, depression, and loneliness. The constant barrage of information and stimuli can also make it difficult to switch off and relax, leading to a sense of mental overload and burnout. Continue reading

What Does Gatekeeping Mean in Mental Health?

What Does Gatekeeping Mean in Mental Health?Gatekeeping is an important concept to understand when discussing mental health. It’s not just about access to care, but also about how individuals and professionals interact with one another. The term “gatekeeping” refers to a form of power or control over the decision-making process within a system, such as deciding who has access to resources (like therapy) and who does not. This article will discuss what gatekeeping means in mental health and why it is important.

What is Gatekeeping?

In short, gatekeeping is a form of control or power that can limit people’s access to resources or services. It often involves someone else making decisions on behalf of someone else and preventing them from accessing help or services they may need. In the context of mental health, it can mean that a professional or family member is withholding treatment from a person who needs it due to their own personal beliefs or biases. Continue reading

Rugby: A Challenging Sport That Is Great For Your Health

Rugby: A Challenging Sport That Is Great For Your HealthRugby is a contact sport that was first played in England in the 1800s and has since spread over the world. Since its inception, rugby has become very popular in places such as the United States, South Africa, Europe, and Australia, where betting on rugby odds is a beloved activity.

The sport is quite similar to American football in many respects, including the fact that it is a contact sport played by teams, and the objective is to get the football through the goal line of the opponent. Rugby is an excellent activity for maintaining one’s physical health and fitness, regardless of whether it is played for fun or in a competitive setting. Continue reading

Things That Negatively Impact Your Mental Health

Things That Negatively Impact Your Mental HealthThe state of your mental health should be a priority as it influences your relationship with others, your career success, and your physical health to name just a few areas.

A healthy mental state is characterized by things like positive thinking, strong self-esteem, and effective stress management while a poor mental state is indicated by things like thoughts of self-harm, anxiety, and depression. If you fall in the latter category, knowing what things negatively affect your mental health is the first step in protecting yourself from them.

Here are 4 common causes of poor mental health. Continue reading