The Strangeness Of The California Fires [Video]

CaliforniaJoseph P Farrell – Today I want to talk about those fires in California…
Every now and then, I do come across a video that intrigues me(this time from Mr. D.S.M.), and so I went looking for more, and found a couple that I want to share, and comment on. But first I want to remind people of the background.

Last year we saw similar fires in California, and with them, abundant indication of something highly anomalous about them, including what for me was the tell tale giveaway: plants that were unburned, but which were “rolled” or pushed into bizarre shapes, as if a giant had come along and stomped or twisted them into these bizarre shapes.

As I wrote in my book Covert Wars and Breakaway Civilizations, such effects are common when very high power microwaves are directed at plants. I speculated in that book, based on some British scientists’ studies of crop circles, that they were formed by microwaves and most likely by microwave interferometry, and were in fact a kind of “test pattern” to see how closely and tightly such waves  and interferometry patterns could be controlled and manipulated.

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