Remember Why Your Soul Chose This Life


Juliet Tang – Prior to birth, just like an artist who is selecting which paints will go onto the blank canvas, our souls choose a set of colors to work with which determine our parents, ethnicity, country of birth, etc. We also choose a number of possible paths that would allow us to experience certain aspects of our being.

For instance, if courage is one of those aspects of ourselves we wish to experience, we would collaborate with other souls in this physical realm so circumstances would arise in our lives where we are required to invoke courage within us. Likewise, we choose a certain mission, or a calling that would allow us to maximize our full potentials on this live stage called earth. Continue reading

The End of the Journey is a New Beginning

This is an Archangel Uriel channeled message.

missionJennifer Hoffman – For those of you who ask when does the ascension cycle end, when is the end of the journey, you must know that this is a journey without end.

The process of ascension into higher states of being, dimension, frequency, awareness, and vibration is one that has been present since the first dawn of light in the universe, and it continues throughout the universe without end. But the suffering that has accompanied your journey can end when you look at endings as beginnings and beginnings that arise because of endings, and create completion and closure for yourself, without expectations of how things should end or begin.

Each ending arises from a state of completion and closure with a karmic cycle and life purpose, where you are complete with a lesson, a challenge, a way of being, a frequency or vibration, or a mission you have given yourself. Suffering often arises because you have expectations, obligations, commitments and promises to yourself, to Source, or others that cannot be fulfilled in the way you want them to be.

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Merging The Higher And Lower Selves

selfMorgan Lee – Since the 1st of March 2018, when many experienced either consciously or unconsciously significant embodiment, expansion, or a leap in consciousness, most are becoming aware of experiencing a major alignment or merging of the higher self and the lower self.

This is creating some moments of major confusion for some. Times of bliss, joy and happiness in flow one moment, and shifting into total doubt or anxiety the next. Often wondering what on earth is going on. Like living in 5D for a few days, only to fall into 3D wondering if everything experienced so far, was even real at all.

It can also feel like having two programs or software running alongside of each other. The old programs still trying to run the show, at times and the new program/ software slowly taking over. Continue reading

Mission Update – October 2017

mass consciousnessJelaila Star – Thought my topic today was scripts and roles, but the guys and gals upstairs have a different plan; I’m to give you an update on where we are and why.

Mission: Restoration

When carrying out a mission assignment, one doesn’t always know the full scope of it until after the mission is completed. Example: I wrote We are the Nibiruans, Book One at the beginning of my first mission, and Mission Remembered, Book Two at the end. In Book One, I had only a skeletal view of what I was sent here to do, but by the time I wrote Book Two, it had become very clear. Mission Remembered provided a more fleshed out view of galactic history, DNA Recoding, and starseed missions. Continue reading