Children Who Think They’re Transgender Just ‘Going Through A Phase’

NHS Now Says Most Children Who Think They’re Transgender Are Just ‘Going Through A Phase’Niamh Harris – The NHS is now claiming that most children who believe that they are transgender are just going through a “phase” and now warn that doctors should not encourage them to change their names and pronouns.

It seems that the National health service is desperately trying to distance itself from its previous stance after mutilating children and young people who were, it turns out, simply ‘going through a phase.’

NHS England announced plans for tightening controls on the treatment of all under 18s who question their gender, including a ban on prescribing puberty blockers outside of strict clinical trials. Continue reading

NHS Is Sending Police To Heart Attack Patients Because Ambulances ‘Can’t Cope’ With Demand

Ambulances ‘Can’t Cope’ With DemandNiamh Harris – Armed police are being sent to help heart attack patients as the crisis-hit National Health Service (NHS) struggles with staff shortages amid a surging demand.

Police officers in armed response vehicles who are trained in first aid and defibrillators are being used to transport cardiac arrest patients to hospital because ambulances are “unable to cope” with the demand.

Welcome to Britain 2022! Continue reading

UK National Health Service to Deny Treatment to ‘Racists’ and ‘Sexists’

NHSPaul Joseph Watson – A National Health Service (NHS) trust in the UK has announced that it will deny treatment to patients it deems are ‘racists’ or ‘sexists’.

No, this is not the Onion.

The North Bristol NHS Trust said that “threatening and offensive language,” as well as “racist or sexist language, gestures or behaviour” and “malicious allegations” would all be punishable offenses.

Patients who commit such an infraction will be subject to a “sports-style disciplinary yellow card and then final red card in which treatment would be withdrawn as soon as is safe.” Continue reading