How to Be Happy

How to Be HappyBarbara Dutcher, M.A. – The way to be happy when you see so much that seems ‘wrong’ in the world, is to remember that you are “in the world but not of the world” as the Bible states. This world is not your home – heaven is your home. But, you say, “we see the world of reality before our eyes every day and that is the world we have to live in!”

And I say, yes, so it would seem and yet if you will lift up your eyes, you will recognize that it could not be that God would have placed you in a world where so much suffering seems to be happening. Suffering is not the final reality, although it can seem very real. Continue reading

The Trap of the Mind

The Trap of the MindPamela Kribbe – “I am the voice of Earth. I am the ground beneath your feet that supports you and the consciousness that enlivens the minerals, plants, animals, and humans. I am present in all life forms; I nurture and I flow through you.

Feel my energy flow through your body, your veins, through your legs and up to your abdomen. Relax into my energy and feel borne by me. Let go of all the tension you experience as a human being, which to a large extent comes from your head, your thoughts. Continue reading

The Cognitive Benefits of Interacting with Nature

The Cognitive Benefits of Interacting with Nature: A Scientific ExplorationJohn Patterson – In today’s fast-paced, technology-driven world, finding solace in nature has become increasingly important for our overall well-being. While we intuitively recognize the calming effects of a walk in the park or the rejuvenating power of a hike in the mountains, scientific research has increasingly provided valuable insights into the cognitive benefits of interacting with nature.

Now intriguing new findings from a study published in the National Library of Medicine highlight the positive impact nature has on our cognitive abilities and mental health. Continue reading

How To Deprogram Yourself

Gregg Prescott, M.S. – Society has undergone a mass brainwashing and it is time for us to deprogram ourselves in order to be completely immersed in the evolution of consciousness.

1. Religion

If a UFO were to land in your backyard tonight, I promise the ET will not have either a bible or money.  Religion has been the longest running form of mind control on the planet and has served to not only keep us separated, but to depopulate the world through numerous wars, Inquisitions and Crusades in the name of “God”. Continue reading

The Scientific Benefits of Nature

The Scientific Benefits of NatureAmelia Harris – For centuries, human beings have found nature to be a source of awe and wonder. The beauty of nature, from its majestic mountains and flowing rivers to its intricate flora and fauna, has captivated our imaginations and inspired countless works of art and literature.

However, beyond its aesthetic appeal, nature also offers numerous benefits for our physical and mental health. From boosting our immune system to improving our mood and reducing stress, spending time outdoors can have a profound impact on our overall well-being. Continue reading