Medical Doctor Sells Practice, Opens Up “Farmacy” Using Food as Medicine

Justin Gardner – Dr. Robert Weiss believes that a change is coming about in the way we approach health and medicine, or rather a reconnection with knowledge that was shunned with the onset of big pharma.

weissHe sold his practice in New York and built the first farm-based medical practice on a 348-acre farm in Long Valley, New Jersey. It can be called a “farmacy,” a place that explores and utilizes plant-based “food as medicine.”

“Plant-based whole foods are the most powerful disease-modifying tools available to practitioners — more powerful than any drugs or surgeries,” said Weiss, a doctor of 25 years in Hudson County.

Untold billions have been put into the production of synthetic chemicals to treat the symptoms of disease, yet the research of plant-based medicine has taken a back seat, despite its ancient history and already known potential.

The priority is prevention through proper diet, including fruits, vegetables, grains, nuts, beans and seeds. It’s “paleo” plus the best parts of human agriculture before they were turned into processed foods. However, this strict diet regimen can also be used to treat those already afflicted with ailments.

“I am not saying if you fall down and break your ankle, I can fix it by putting a salve of mugwort on it. You need someone to fix your fracture,” Weiss said. “I am talking about treating and preventing chronic disease — the heart attacks, the strokes, the cardiovascular disease, the cancers … the illnesses that are taking our economy and our nation down.” Continue reading

You Can Eat To Make Your Brain Grow

“One cup of kale is 33 calories which contains 9% of the daily value of calcium, 206% of vitamin A, 134% of vitamin C, and a whopping 684% of vitamin K, a fat soluble vitamin essential in keeping our brains healthy. It is also a good source of the minerals copper, potassium, iron, manganese and phosphorus. It is literally nature’s multi-vitamin. You get more absorbable calcium than in a glass of milk. All in 33 calories.” – J Roberts

BrainKaleCan we change your human brain in just 15 minutes together? Sure, because there is something I know about you, you all eat food.” This remark comes from psychiatrist Dr. Drew Ramsey during a talk he gave for Revitalize, a live chat sector of

“We can start making a change, giving you a more resilient, happier, smarter brain starting with your next meal, starting with your very first bite. That is the simple and delicious scientific truth. And it’s the truth, our human brains are in trouble” states Ramsey to an intrigued audience.

Our brain is a powerhouse of bio-chemical, electric impulses firing rapidly between your two ears. It is the essence of who you are, it holds your dreams, your aspirations, your thought patterns. But the brain is a sensitive organ, highly dependent on the nutrients you are choosing to feed it on a daily basis, and sadly, most of the population is missing these essentials.

Forgetting Our Vitamins & Minerals

Drew Ramsey, M.D. is the author of the book, “50 Shades of Kale”, a sure-fired way to introduce the superfood kale into your diet using creative and delicious recipes. Continue reading

Freezing Blueberries Increases Availability Of Antioxidants

“Blueberries are one of our body’s greatest allies. Their ability to eliminate free radicals protects us from every day exposure to various forms of pollution, including pesticides, sun exposure and heavy metals.” –

BlueberriesNaturalNews ~ Just when you thought that the health benefits of blueberries couldn’t be any more plentiful, new research has found that freezing the superfood actually increases the berry’s nutritional content.

Graduate student Marin Plumb, a food science major at South Dakota State University, found that frozen blueberries are equally nutritious as fresh blueberries, even after six months of freezing.

Plumb’s experiment involved observing antioxidant levels in blueberries frozen for one, three and five months. After comparing the antioxidant content of frozen berries to fresh berries, she found no decrease in the nutritional value of the frozen berries.

In fact, Plumb noted that freezing actually increased the anthocyanin concentration.

“The ice crystals that form during freezing disrupt the structure of the plant tissue, making the anthocyanins more available,” Plumb explained.

Anthocyanins are a group of antioxidant compounds that provide various systems in the human body with protection.

Blueberries may be the world’s healthiest food

“Blueberries go head to head with strawberries and pomegranates in antioxidant capacity,” said Plumb’s research adviser, professor Basil Dalaly, who teaches a course on phytochemicals, the naturally occurring chemical compounds in fruits and vegetables.

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Vitamin D Deficiency Symptoms Explained: The Top 9 Warning Signs

“While our skin does manufacture some of the vitamin D that we need daily, sun exposure alone is usually not enough. Factors such as the time of year, the angle of the sun, cloud cover, pollution levels and even the use of sunscreen can greatly limit the amount of D made by our skin.” ~A. Geib

VitaminDChartNaturalNews ~ The importance of vitamin D is well known. As far back as the 1930s, doctors first recognized the link between a vitamin D deficiency and the skeletal disease called rickets. Rickets causes a softening of the bones and teeth. Even if someone’s diet has adequate levels of calcium, without enough vitamin D to properly control calcium and phosphate levels in the blood stream, demineralization of the bones can take place. The symptoms of rickets include bowed legs, bone pain, dental problems, a widening of the wrists, frequent bone fractures and skull deformities.

Because rickets is seldom seen in first-world countries, it’s easy to think that vitamin D deficiencies are a thing of the past. However, new research has recently shed light on other, more subtle, symptoms of a vitamin D deficiency. Many illnesses which, at first glance, seem totally unrelated to something as physically obvious as rickets actually may have their roots in a lack of vitamin D.

Just what is vitamin D?

The term vitamin D, according to the Mayo Clinic’s Drugs and Supplements site (1), actually refers to several different forms of the vitamin, including D2, which comes from our diet, and D3, which is manufactured by our skin when exposed to sunlight. Vitamin D’s main purpose in the body is to regulate blood levels of calcium and phosphorous.

The sunshine vitamin?

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Derek Henry ~ 10 Critical Upgrades For A Healthier Body

NaturalNews  May 30 2014

According to the EWG, the scientific evidence is increasingly clear that eating too much of greenhouse gas-intensive animal meats boosts exposure to toxins and increases the risk of a wide variety of serious health problems, including heart disease, certain cancers, obesity and, in some studies, diabetes.” ~D. Henry

smoothieIt is often difficult for people to completely drop old health compromising habits and pick up completely new ones, even if it is a better choice for their health. Due to that fact, transition is an important strategy. Here are 10 upgrades to transition to in order to reach that next level of health.


Upgrading water is one of the most important factors to consider when becoming healthy. Ditch the contaminated tap and hormone disrupting plastic bottled water and choose spring, mineralized, or filtered water instead.


Don’t start the most important meal of the day with coffee and sugary cereals. This is a bad way to wake up the digestive system and it will not adequately power anyone through their morning.

Opt for a superfood smoothie instead that is full of enzymes, probiotics, vitamins, minerals, healthy fats, fiber, and other health promoting nutrients. Incorporate high quality superfoods for the most benefits.


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