BPA Affects Children’s Obesity Through Gut Microbiota

BPA Affects Children’s Obesity Through Gut MicrobiotaLily Anderson –  In a groundbreaking study recently published in the journal mSystems, researchers from Spain have uncovered compelling evidence linking Bisphenol A (BPA) exposure to significant changes in children’s gut microbiota, potentially contributing to the global childhood obesity epidemic.

This study, led by microbiologist Margarita Aguilera, PhD, from the University of Granada, and Ana López-Moreno, PhD, illuminates the intricate relationship between our environment, health, and the microscopic world within us. Continue reading

NYC Law Promotes ‘Fat Pride’ and ‘Size Freedom’

NYC Law Promotes ‘Fat Pride’ and ‘Size Freedom’Janet Levy – In his works on rhetoric, Aristotle said that a speaker can hope to persuade his audience only if the message is underpinned by logos, an appeal to reason; pathos, an appeal to emotions; and, above all, ethos, the appeal that derives from the speaker’s own character and credibility. On that last, vital count, Mayor Eric Adams of New York City (NYC) failed miserably last week as he signed legislation (Intro. 209-2022 A) banning discrimination by weight and height in employment, housing, and public accommodations.

But before we get to Adams’s hypocrisy, let us look at the grievance of size discrimination per se. Manufactured and overblown by ‘woke’ activists, it stands on shaky ground.

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Study Suggests Risk of Death From Loneliness May Be Greater Than Obesity

social isolationRichard Enos – Current evidence indicates that heightened risk for mortality from a lack of social relationships is greater than that from obesity.

Loneliness can reliably be linked to a significant increase in the risk of early mortality, according to a study at Brigham Young University. Head author, Julianne Holt-Lunstad, notes that “substantial evidence now indicates that individuals lacking social connections (both objective and subjective social isolation) are at risk for premature mortality.”

Holt-Lunstad believes the risks associated with loneliness are already greater than such established dangers as obesity: Continue reading

Obesity & Diabetes Soar In Mexican Town Where Coca-Cola Is Used As Drinking Water

Cola plantNiamh Harris – A Mexican town is running so low on water that the  locals are using Coca-cola as an alternative.

In the town, situated next to a Coca-Cola plant which is draining the local water supply, the sugary concoction is not only drunk but used in religious ceremonies and even as a currency.

Meanwhile obesity and diabetes is soaring among the local residents and Coca-cola accepts no responsibility for creating a public health crisis.

RT reports: Cristobal de las Casas, in the Mexican state of Chiapas, has for years been caught between an inept local government and a multinational corporation which is draining its local water supply in a case of crony capitalism at its worst. Continue reading

Treat the Root Cause of Obesity and Weight Gain

glandsVera Kaur – Everything in the universe is composed of energy including the human body. Traditionally, when we lived in harmony with nature our body’s energies vibrated in resonance with the universal energies, we experienced optimum physical, mental, emotional and spiritual health.

Today, as we strive to meet the demands of our fast paced lifestyles, we have unknowingly become detached from nature through breathing polluted air, eating unnatural food, drinking chemical-laden water, ingesting toxic medication, smoking cigarettes, drinking alcohol, using inorganic body and household products, absorbing electro-magnetic pollution and being exposed to continuous stress. This has resulted in our energies becoming congested and imbalanced, which is the foundation for dis-ease.

Traditional energy healers had a wealth of knowledge on how to diagnose and treat the root cause of dis-ease by natural, holistic methods, and through the generations a great deal of this ancient wisdom has been kept alive. Traditional Indian energy healers believe that the root cause of obesity and excess weight gain stems from energy imbalances within our thyroid and reproductive glands. Continue reading