How To Love Thy Enemy

Jafree Ozwald | June 10 2012

“Immature love says, “I love because I need you”, while mature love says “I need you because I love you.” ~Unknown

CompassionYou may have been fortunate enough to meet someone in life who constantly triggers you. Unknowingly they push some hidden secret button which instantly launches inside you a state of anger, hurt, blame or fear where you turn into a frightened little mouse or a fire breathing dragon. This person could be your best friend, your lover, your mom, dad, sister or brother or neighbor across the street. It could also be an impersonal figure on TV, a political party, a work competitor, or perhaps a group of unjustified “terrorists” you’ve never met in a country you’ve never visited. Anyone who can set you off balance where your sense of peace is instantly lost is your greatest teacher and has a powerful enlightening lesson to give you.

Perhaps you’ve heard of a man named Jesus who spoke many truths, one of them was learning how to love thy enemy. This may be the greatest challenge humanity has ever come across because we simply have forgotten one key ingredient. The essential purpose of this teaching is that you get to immediately be catapulted into your life’s highest vibration and consciousness. When you embrace that person which you absolutely cannot embrace, and love that part which is deeply unlovable, your life takes on a truly profound meaning and mission. You discover a freedom, a limitless joy, and a lightness inside you that cannot and will not ever be disturbed by anything or anyone.

The amount of energy you lose in hating, judging or resisting someone is extremely draining and unnecessary. Whatever you resist, persists. You always become that which you cannot embrace, so no matter how awful the person may be, that one little thing which you just cannot accept about them is the master over you. We create enemies in life because there is something inside of them which we should not, cannot, and absolutely will not own within ourselves. For example, if you are upset and often triggered by your partner because they are a control freak, you are rejecting some part of yourself, at some moment in your day where you’re not ok with having no control. Our issues are always in our tissues, and usually date back many lifetimes or perhaps as recent as your childhood dramas. They can be so ingrained that you may be willing to get divorced, fired, or even choose to leave the country instead of choosing to have compassion for this person and change your reaction to come from love.

“Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it.” ~Rumi

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How To Get Out Of Your Box And Live Large

Jafree Ozwald | May 13 2012

“Feel ecstatic that there is no end to life. When you have reached the top of one peak, suddenly another peak starts giving you challenges, a higher one, a more arduous climb, a more dangerous reach! The day you have reached that other peak, another emerges, it is peaks upon peaks… an eternal Himalayas of life.” ~Osho

consciousnessEvery single one of us lives in some type of box. There’s the one with the physical walls that take the shape of your room, house, mansion or hut. Then there’s your metaphysical box, which holds some form of limiting beliefs and attitudes deeply impressed upon your consciousness. It makes you think, “I can do this, and I definitely cannot do that.” Whatever the formation the walls of your personal box have taken, don’t judge it. Every single problem or limiting belief is there for a very special reason. They are personally designed (by you) to give your mind the illusion of confinement or a false sense of security. This way you will develop a deeper longing and desire to explore this vast infinite Universe that is constantly expanding within you and all around you.

There are quite a few people in this world who tend to always remain inside their homes hypnotized by the TV their entire lives. They fear going outside in Nature, facing the elements and experiencing the world directly. Depending on the day, they either love it or complain about it. Their sacred box has become their cozy nest on a lazy afternoon, and their personal prison on some sleepless night. People tend to either complain or brag about their box, have ready-made excuses for why they can’t alter it, or simply ignore it and pretend they have no power over it. Notice which category you tend to fall into?

With 7 billion people on this planet, you cannot help to find each one of them fascinating. There are those people who love their box, hate their box, are never satisfied with the size of their box, or continuously fretting about the cleanliness and organization of it. There are those who feel overwhelmed about their box because its either to big or too small, too tall or just too narrow. Whatever the size and condition your box is in, its safe to say that it is quite perfect for you. Yes, our Universe is brilliant and it never ever never makes a mistake! There is always perfect order found within the seeming random chaos. Life is always working for you, not against you. If you watch closely, you’ll notice your consciousness is always moving towards your enlightenment and never in the other direction.

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How To Become A Master Of Compassion

Jafree Ozwald | April 20 2012

“Drop the idea of becoming someone, because you are already a masterpiece. You cannot be improved. You have only to come to it, to know it, to realize it. God himself has created you; you cannot be improved.” ~Osho

The Universe has a way of teaching us in the most mysterious ways. Throughout your life, you’ve most likely encountered experiences which made you feel stuck, lost, frustrated, or disappointed on some level. Then, just when you thought all hope was lost, some act of grace happened and life turned your situation around. You then experienced a feeling of relief, satisfaction, joy or just felt things were lighter for you in some way. Life is very intentional in the way its pendulum swings. When we get to taste sour lemons, it makes the lemonade even more succulent and sweet.

The grand diversity of experiences that life provides for you is what causes your soul to grow and evolve. We can only form a desire to move towards a higher experience of love, freedom, joy or compassion when we are wallowing deep in the trenches of our emotional pig pen. The secret to having compassion within yourself is knowing this emotional pendulum is natural and will persist throughout your existence. It is a tremendous blessing in that it causes your soul to discover what true freedom really is. When being faced with choosing love over fear everyday, the soul is forced to look deeper inside and uncover the eternal essence of your being. This essence is what’s truly satisfying to the sweet and sour experiences life brings.

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How to Master Your Life

Jafree Ozwald | Enlightened Messages | December 30 2011

“The moment you start seeing life as non-serious, a playfulness, all the burden on your heart disappears. All the fear of death, of life, of love – everything disappears. One starts living with a very light weight or almost no weight. So weightless one becomes, one can fly in the open sky.” ~ Osho

Your body and mind act like a radio tower that are constantly broadcasting a particular frequency of energy.  Your thoughts and feelings are always sending out an “energetic blueprint” into the Universe about who you are and what you want.  When you consciously raise your vibration you are sending out the HIGHEST frequencies and manifesting signals which return to you with actual physical results.  The only reason that you’re not creating everything you want in life is because you are still sending out a frequency that is based in limiting thoughts and a lower vibration.

Once you start applying the secrets to raising your “Manifesting Vibration” you’ll experience a dramatic change in how easy and effortless your desires manifest for you!