The Nocebo Effect

noceboDavid R. Hamilton PhD. – I’ve been asked a few questions recently about the nocebo effect – the opposite of the placebo effect – so I thought I’d do some up-to-date research and share some of what I’ve found.

It’s often called the ‘evil twin’ of the placebo effect. I actually find the use of ‘twin’ quite fortuitous because there is a sort of ‘family’ resemblance between the two. You might say that the placebo is the optimistic sibling, while the nocebo is the pessimistic one.

The word placebo comes from the Latin: I shall please, as in “Placebo Domino – I shall please the Lord.” Nocebo, on the other hand comes from the Latin for I shall harm. Continue reading

Is the Power to Heal ourselves increasing?

placeboJacob Devaney – Researchers are perplexed by recent studies that have placebos performing very well compared to new and experimental pharmaceuticals. Meanwhile the science of Psychoneuroimmunology (PNI) is echoing what mystics and shaman have been saying forever which is that we have untold powers to heal ourselves!

Spirit and science converging

This coming together between the spiritual and scientific communities shows an unprecedented opportunity for humans to embrace vibrant, healthy, thriving lives. Recent research on placebos comes from a McGill University and is published in Pain, the Journal of the International Association for the Study of Pain. I first learned about this in a wonderful article by Carolyn Gregoire in Huffington Post titled, Placebo Effect Puzzle Has Scientists Scratching Their Heads.

I highly recommend reading the entire article which shows how the placebo effect is exploding in the United States, but nowhere else. This may have something to do with the fact that the United States has 5% of the worlds population yet consumes 75% of the worlds prescription drugs. Continue reading