Dimensional Potential

“You have the ability to create exactly what you desire by holding it in focus, in certainty, and in knowing. The minute you give up, it exits your world and enters another where it lives happily ever after.” ~G Macbeth Louthan

oracle_waterfallThis past year, thought and manifestation accelerated to a point in time and space that quickened all outcomes. outcomes that exceeded your expectations and perceptions. The path that you have taken in the past has been predictable. Your reactions are predictable. Your outbursts are predictable. You have followed the same emotional pathway and patterning that you always have the ground is worn where you have walked back and forth in your mind.

In this time of numerous celestial alignments, and dimensional potential – we ask you not to take the same route that you have always taken. Move past the borders that once held you as a captive audience. Always keeping you in a very small theater squared away in the pegs of the past. You are much more than you have been able to understand. Each of you stands guard at the fulcrum of your future. A place where you can see viewing your present, past, and a probable future. As soon as one views their future they change it, it is universal law.

Each and every thought that you have ever had exists somewhere in synchronized time. Each and every desire, want, need, and prayer has been fulfilled and lives ‘somewhere in time’. Thoughts and manifestations are not wasted. They are not tossed aside like garbage. They are recycled actively. In some parallel existence of the time/space continuum you are living all of your dreams. In another one, you are living your perfect body shape. In another one, you are living your perfect partner or your perfect health. Each thought either stays in the Now or exits to another plane of existence. The doorway to that exit is opened and closed by your own thinking.
When you desire a certain outcome, it begins to grow within your own energy field. If you fluctuate from that thought with doubt, with fear on any level – then it ‘exits’ the earth experience and enters another probable universe where you also exist. Continue reading

Nocturnal Adventures

“The mentality of 3D (the third density physical world) is SEPARATIVE in nature and 4D (the fourth density spirit world) is INTEGRATIVE, or healing, in nature. 3D resonates to the human solar plexus energy center, with its mental development and its competitive nature, while 4D resonates to the heart.” ~O K Waters

OOB_OutOfBodyOther than a few remembered dreams, our nighttime slumbers seem to be one big twilight zone of consciousness where nothing much happens at all.

Nothing could be further from the truth!

A curtain of forgetfulness is drawn across our consciousness each time we awake from sleep. What really happens at night is actually more vivid, more alive, and more real than anything that happens during the day in the physical world.

At night, we travel in a more subtle world than the physical one. Human consciousness has many ‘bodies,’ or shells of consciousness, each of which functions at a different level of awareness. The more dense bodies used by each human being are the physical body, its etheric energy counterpart, and the astral or spirit body. The less dense ones begin with the soul ‘body,’ which is a nonphysical field of consciousness that exists beyond the limitations of time and space, and then go on up the frequency scale of consciousness from there.

To understand where these bodies fit into the grand scale of universal consciousness, realize that there are 12 density layers of consciousness. Some people refer to the different density layers as ‘dimensions.’ As physical beings today, we exist in third density and are in the process of transitioning into fourth density. Fourth density has been traditionally the home of the spirit realms. It still will be after The Shift to higher consciousness has been completed, but the spirit realms will move up to higher sub-layers within fourth density as the physical realm moves in. Continue reading

One’s Energetic Magic

The Morning Blessing | Feb 27 2012

“There are two great days in a person’s life-the day we are born and the day we discover why.” – William Barclay

The softness of February love is [finally] accentuated this week with a profound sense of peace pooling just beneath the experiences of our daily lives. As many are accomplishing clearing out the illusions of drama, chaos, and unbalance from our realities we have set the space for something more profound to enter our experience. The flow of Magic and Miracles is set to descend upon this plane of existence and its presence is whispering to all who have ears to hear. It sits just beyond the veil of the astral field and waits for us to notice. Don’t wait for the journey of sleep to take you into this realm of Newness, ask in the waking hours to connect with this energy of expanded Love.

It is still too easy to wake and enter our day without giving attention to this higher consciousness. That is why so many still feel a little lost and directionless, and perhaps even depressed and confused right now. Our expression until now has been mind oriented and the New can only be perceived through the heart. The mind needs constant direction and movement, the heart seeks peace and stillness. When the mind can surrender its control over your being and allow the Heart to now be the command center through which we regulate all of our experiences then you will move into the organic space of Pure Being and understand the deep and significant changes in planetary energies.

Our most valuable valentine has been delivered; slow down long enough to sense its presence. It is soft, loving and gentle. You will know when you have found it for you will feel the comfort of Peace and Gentleness. It is the vibration of the new dimensional home we have moved into. It feels safe and you will automatically trust that you are protected and supported. The doubt that prayers may not be answered leaves and you simply trust that your abilities to champion all obstacles and challenges are supreme. That is because you are moving into the Higher self and elevated consciousness. You are aligned with the Higher Aspects of your spiritual being.

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