The Relationship Between Light & Dark And Positive & Negative Polarity

negative polarityTodd – In our current language system, the terms “light and dark”, and “Positive and Negative” polarity are being used interchangeably. The following is an overview of the construct we find ourselves within:

Darkness is the absence of light. It does not contain a polarity aspect. It is the absence of light which equates to the absence of information, the absence of consciousness, and the absence of love. Darkness is the nothingness that is ‘enlightened’ by consciousness.

The cosmos began with the God source. Infinite energy, knowledge and love. The God source looked out from itself and saw that the cosmos was filled with the nothingness of darkness. There was no love, there was no knowledge, there was no awareness. In it’s attempt to fill the vastness of the cosmos with the unlimited knowledge, light and love it contained it began to divide itself. It sent the initial conscious ‘God Fragments’ out and said;

“Go, do, create as you see fit as you are imbued with my abilities. Bring light to the infinite darkness.” Continue reading

The Rupture and the Rapture

energy fieldJennifer Hoffman – This is an Archangel Uriel channeled message.  Ascension is an energetic movement in to new frequencies and dimensions, and not a return of heavenly hosts or the end of humanity. Rather, it is a turning point when the buildup of the 3D/5D integration reaches sufficient strength that it creates a rupture, or a break, in the dense flow of 3D energy. Those who believe they will see Jesus descending upon the earth may be disappointed, as will those who believe they will be lifted to heaven. These are powerful energy shifts and while the rapture is occurring, it is an energetic shift that is felt internally and externally as a break from 3D control.

Humanity is in control of all aspects of its journey on earth and how it manages and responds to 3D energy. The presence of density is now balanced by the higher frequencies of 5D energy which are quickly being integrated into the Earth’s energy field. This has been your mission for many lifetimes, first to bring this light to humanity’s awareness, and you have been rejected many times for this, and now to be containers for this energy as it pours onto the planet.

This time you are successful in every way, holding the light for the 5D energy, receiving the energy and grounding it into the Earth’s grids, and sharing it with vast numbers of people who are ready to ascend into higher frequencies. But rather than creating a blessed rapture, this is first creating a challenging rupture in the earth’s energetic grid which is being experienced by all of humanity. Continue reading

Time to Crack the Polarity Code

polarityDiane Wing, M.A. – As we explore Universal Law, it becomes apparent that these laws are present in every aspect of life surfacing on a regular basis. To recognize and apply them, therefore, is an essential part of understanding our interactions with the Universe and to become adept at flowing with its wisdom.

The Law of Polarity states that: “Everything is Dual; everything has poles; everything has its pair of opposites; like and unlike are the same; opposites are identical in nature, but different in degree; extremes meet.”

We are a combination of various energies, each present by degree. Some energies may dominate our nature and others will surface only on special occasions. We are also the essence of the concept of polarity. Polarity differs from duality in that each pole has the essence of the other contained within it. There are ranges and degrees of each aspect housed within the other, inseparable.

Polarity Manifests a Spectrum of Combinations

A continuum of polarities exists within us, and what we manifest is a combination of these polarities in varying degrees. Nothing exists in a pure state; everything blends to form unique and vibrant combinations. The physical and metaphysical aspects inherent in the energy that surrounds us is where the polarity begins; the power generated by opposites yet has the essence of each opposite held within it.

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March Energy Report 2016

march Jennifer Hoffman – As I was thinking about March’s energy, the words ‘rise and shine’ came to me. And I think that’s appropriate for this very busy month. It is said that the month of March ‘comes in like a lion and out like a lamb’. While that term refers to the weather, I think that on an energetic level we’re going to hear a few roars this month, there is so much going on. The month begins in the 9th week of the year with a 9 year vibration, 9 is the number of completion and ‘heaven on earth’, and all types of completion are supported. March is the third month and with the 9 of 2016 ( 9 + 3 = 12 or 3) we have a double 3 vibration all month, the number of Enlightened Mastery. Then we have two eclipses and the solstice, as well as the usual ongoing heavy planetary activity in the background. If you have been wanting forward movement, this may be your time to blast off, just remember to stay grounded, it’s easy to lose your footing when there is this much activity going on.

First, let’s talk about the 33 of March because it is its most important aspect. ‘Enlightened Mastery’ is a tricky thing as we can attach a lot of expectations to that term and then get disappointed if it appears that nothing happens. We think of it as a ‘gift from God’ and it is anything but that. It is actually our own Source energy activation, where we make room in our humanity for our divinity partnership to co-exist within us.

While we may prefer to view it as a gift or a special blessing, we’re the ones who bless ourselves with this new level of duality – human and divine within the same physical space. We are releasing polarity with the 5D integration and ascension, and polarity and duality are not the same thing.  Polarity is 3D separation; duality is 5D multi-dimensionality, co-existence of a plurality of expanded energetic frequencies.

It takes a while for our material reality to catch up to our spiritual reality, so don’t discount everything that happens under the surface because that’s where the real action takes place. Once we see the effects in our material reality, all of the energetic action has already taken place. It’s like sitting down to a nice meal at a restaurant.  All of the work it took to prepare that meal has already happened. You aren’t served a plate full of ingredients and are told to get busy if you want to eat; you get the already prepared meal. In this case, the ‘meal’ is the results or outcomes that are aligned with your intention, so keep them high.

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Polarity And Limitation

Michael Cavallaro – Limitation is simply the belief in polarity. It is the belief in duality – that is limitation. Everything in duality is limited to a positive pole or a negative pole.

polarityAnything in unity is unlimited because it is everything and anything at the same time and as long as you are in belief of duality or polarity, the male and female, the mother and father, you are limited. As long as you believe in that polarity you are limiting your spirit to be only one aspect at any given moment – never to be itself. True freedom comes in unity or wholeness, being everything and yet nothing.

So while you are in polarity and you still believe in polarity, you’ll perceive everything as having degrees, levels, positives, negatives, successful, unsuccessful – you will always have judgment. Judgment can only exist in polarity. When there are opposite poles there can be judgment. When there is unity pole there is nothing to judge because all is one.

Judgment ceases when you allow your consciousness to reunite with itself so to speak, and become one. When you are in the oneness there can still be an experience of perceived separateness but it is experience in a way without judgment — so there is just experience.

When you are in the oneness or unified within self, you can then experience any existence joyfully and with neutrality and just the experience. As long as you are in duality or polarity there will always be judgment, there will never be satisfaction because with satisfaction comes dissatisfaction – so there are always opposite poles. When there is happiness there is sadness, when there is goodness there is badness, when there is right there is wrong. That is the whole world of polarity. So to move into this unity or oneness you have to step out of polarity and realize that polarity is the sole source of limitation. Freedom from limitations means freeing yourself from polarity.

As long as you are in polarity, there is always pain

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