Panel: 9/28/15 Tetra Lunar Eclipse Global False Flag [Video]

falseAlfred Lambremont Webre – A 2-hour Panel of author and hermeneuticist Peter Kling and author and futurist Alfred Lambremont Webre has concluded that there may be a high probability of a global impact scale false flag event in the planning structured around a series of “historic” and prophetically encoded Biblical events during the period September 23 – 28, 2015. On September 28, 2015 the last of the four tetra lunar eclipses of 2014 takes place.

Historically, traumatic social changes around the Jewish people have been woven by hidden human controllers around tetra lunar eclipses, “The last time that four blood red moons occurred together was in 1967-1968, probably related to the recapture of Jerusalem by Israel.  The time that the tetrad occurred before this was in 1949-1950, probably related to Israel becoming a nation.  Before this time, the last occurrence was 1493-1494, probably related to the expulsion of the Jews from Spain.


“Since 1 AD, a “Biblical tetrad” has occurred on these holy days a total of 7 times.  In 2014-2015, it will be the 8th time.  It won’t occur again for another 500 years.”[1]

The tetra lunar eclipse of Sept. 28, 2015, the Panel concludes, may have global implications for all 7 billion individuals in humanity, not just for the 13.5 million Jews on the planet supposedly targeted by hidden controllers around the Tetra eclipses.[2]

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