Acknowledging Someone’s Power Is The Greatest Gift You Can Give Them

Jennifer HoffmanCreator deityThe human state or condition has access to the same level of power that exists within the higher dimensions of being. The achievement of any level of spiritual growth is not an opportunity to take on additional power because everything in the Universe has equal power as it all emanates from the same source. What changes with the increase in vibration is the connection to source, which also allows for a greater understanding of the self as divine and the awareness of power. So while additional power cannot be granted to anyone, power cannot be taken away either.

Those who appear to steal your power are able to convince you to give it to them, and you do so willingly. You do this when you think someone is incapable of being powerful, that they cannot manage their life, that they have less ability or opportunity than you do or that they can live your life more fully and powerfully with your power than you can. These people receive the gift of your power, which you volunteer with a loving heart, which they then take as their own. Now they have the benefit of their own power (which they always had) and yours too.

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The Difference Between Elites and Commoners

The Difference Between Elites and CommonersCharles Hugh Smith – It sounds too obvious to be profound: we trust what we own / control. Of course we do. But it becomes profoundly consequential when we add the shadow half of the statement: we don’t trust what we don’t own / control without constant feedback providing verifiable evidence that it is worthy of our trust.

Absent this positive verifiable (i.e. factual evidence based on both data and personal-anecdotal experience) feedback, we have good reason to assume whatever we don’t own / control is primarily serving the interests of those who do own / control it. And since this means the product/service’s trustworthiness is suspect despite claims that it serves our interests, we must seek a steady flow of feedback substantiating that the product/service is still providing the value the owners / managers are claiming, either explicitly or implicitly. Continue reading

Calling Human Angels – Spirit is Waiting

Calling Human Angels - Spirit is WaitingSteve Rother – “You are conduits of light, each holding a unique color. Those colors could be described as the imperfection of the pure white light from Home.

Release the constraints of limiting beliefs, allowing the essence of hope to permeate your being. Trust in your inherent capabilities, for we are here to activate and guide you on this journey. It is time to step up. Spirit is waiting to talk directly to you.

As you experience Earth, understand that it is divided into multiple dimensions. What if you could unite and speak as one? This is the transformation we are witnessing, urging you to transcend duality and embrace an existence of triality. It is a magnificent shift that is both magical and awe-inspiring. Continue reading

Disturbing Connections: Pedophilia, Power, and the Deep State [Video]

Carlo Maria Viganò – A few weeks ago, an important collaborator of Hillary Clinton and John Podesta was arrested for pedophilia and child pornography. I am referring to Slade Sohmer, a man with ties to the world of Broadway and cinema, who played a role in the effort debunk the infamous “Pizzagate affair,” that is, the network of filthy complicity and horrendous crimes against minors that revolves around the international deep state.

We have learned that Jeffrey Epstein and most likely, Ghislaine Maxwell were members of the Israeli Mossad. This makes us understand that the famous trips of many well-known people to Epstein’s island were used to blackmail them by collecting evidence of their guilt in heinous ritual crimes against minors. Continue reading

Waking Up In The Dream – The Real Secret to Manifestation

Waking Up In The Dream – The Real Secret to ManifestationNanice Ellis – Do you know that you are dreaming, and that nothing is happening outside of you? This means that there is no competition and there is nothing that you cannot be, do or have. This is your dream and you are the dreamer. Indeed, this can be a scary realization or the most liberating. Possibly both?

Waking up in the dream state requires 100% responsibility for everything in your dream. This includes close and personal experiences as well as the global container in which you live and breathe. If you are even aware of something, it is a part of your dream. Continue reading