Love is a Verb – Beacons of Light August 2023

A Special Gathering of Spirits

Love is a Verb - Beacons of Light August 2023Steve Rother – I look from afar with eyes filled with wonder, because what I see first is love. That is the most important connection that we can bring you, so you can see it in yourselves. We tell you, dear ones, a gathering of spirits on Earth is taking place right now.

Although you see difficulties every time you turn on your news, the reality is that everything is changing. Yes, change is at hand. But we are not worried, for the most incredible angels have found their way to planet Earth. They are in key parts throughout the entire globe not only to carry the light and speak it aloud, but also just to hold. These angels bring the beautiful energy of Home to planet Earth. Continue reading

Give To Yourself First

godRev. Angela  – Someone asked me recently if I could articulate some easy and basic “steps” that a person could do every day that would help them be in alignment with wealth, meaning be “in line” to attract wellbeing, goodness, and prosperity. So, that prosperity would flow easier in life. So, that where they stood emotionally was a reflection of what they wanted to create in life, versus standing in fear and scarcity.

My answer to that question was yes! Yes, you certainly create some basic “steps” to do each and every day that would align you with wealth, joy, and goodness. Now, before I go there, I want you to realize that these steps, or perhaps a better word would be “keys”, to alignment are not set in stone. But, they are indeed good building blocks for beginning the journey, your journey, that sets your “keys to alignment” apart from everyone else’s. Continue reading

Money Returns to Me Multiplied

moneyAA Gabriel – You have been given limitless resources to use in your earth life. These limitless resources include wondrous beauty, relationships that affirm the divinity within you, freedom to be the best you can be, and an abundant flow of money. This flow of money is sometimes the most difficult of God’s gifts for you to see in your life. You stand in the midst of this energy, which can be used to make your life more comfortable, and yet many times, your ability to receive these resources is limited by your thoughts and by your resistance to receiving.

This energy from the Divine Source, which is called money, has the same properties inherent in it that any of God’s gifts have, such as Love and Joy. It is the strong energy of Life Force, which you can tap into, in order to receive the blessings of abundant cash flow.

One easy way to make yourself more available to money is by creating thoughts of unlimited resources in your mind. Your thoughts create your reality. When you entertain thoughts of lack, of “not enough” in your life, this translates in your world as not enough money to meet your needs. A shift in your thinking is necessary before you can attract an abundant level of income to yourself.

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This entire system is rigged against your prosperity

Simon Black – On January 26, 1841, two years into the First Opium War between China’s Qing Dynasty and the British Empire, Commodore Sir Gordon Bremer hoisted the British flag above Possession Point in Hong Kong.

Hong KongAt the time the island’s population numbered less than 10,000. Most were illiterate fishermen.

Hong Kong was also devoid of any meaningful natural resources except for well-placed geography. Continue reading

When the Land of the Free stops being the Land of Opportunity

prosperitySimon Black – For much of the 9th century, the Byzantine Empire was on the defensive, fending off one invasion after another.

That all changed on today’s date, September 3rd in the year 863, when three Byzantine armies massed together to crush Arab invaders.

This was exactly the decisive victory that the Byzantine Empire needed to secure its position as the world’s dominant superpower.

They had just shown everyone that they had the biggest, baddest army on the planet. And military power meant world dominance.

That’s how it had almost always been throughout history: whoever had the strongest military was king of the world. They ruled through intimidation.

Then something interesting happened.

Sometime in the 10th century, a few cities in Italy began an experiment that defied convention across the rest of the continent: they decided to become free.

While the rest of Europe wallowed in the feudal system, cities like Venice and Florence offered opportunity for a better life… as long as you were willing to work hard and take some risk.

Italy was truly the America of its day.

One popular innovation in medieval Italy was a very early version of the limited partnership. It was known as a commenda, and it’s still the same basic model that many investment funds use today.

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