Ways to Protect Yourself From Energy Vampires

energyPower of Positivity – An energy vampire, or psychic vampire, literally feeds off the energies of those around them, attaching to a host and attempting to suck the person dry.

When the person supplying the energy comes into full realization of the situation at hand, they will usually either ignore the person or let them go. Then, the cycle continues, as the energy vampire survives off of other people’s emotions. Now you know why happy, vibrant people can sometimes attract those with self-serving motives: energy vampires operate on such a low frequency that they must turn to people with high energetic levels to survive.

In today’s society, you have likely encountered people like this numerous times, but you may not have known how to best deal with them in order to shield yourself from their own draining energies. Next time you come across an energy vampire in the flesh, try these tactics to ensure that you maintain a healthy frequency: Continue reading

Blue Rays: The Founders And Forefathers Of Our Race

blue rayConscious Reminder – Blue Ray Beings would never be anchored on our planet directly. This is because they are so powerful and close to the Creator, and our planet is not quite ready yet to receive them.

They are much harder to find than Indigo or Rainbow children. They really are the rarest of the rare. The Ray 1’s i.e. those whose Monad ray is Ray 1 are also immensely powerful due to their proximity to God and are a direct representative of his will and wisdom and his almighty power.

When the spark first leaves God, it is carried onwards through creation on monad ray. A Monad Ray turning into a Blue Ray 1 being when they finally join their soul family. One way to ascertain if someone on earth is a Blue Ray 1 being is by cross-checking their names and birthdates. Continue reading

Unplugging from the Matrix: How to Block Darkness and Evil

protectionCatherine Cates – If you read my first article about unplugging from the matrix then you’ll know there are frequency technologies that can affect your mood. There are also discarnate beings and low-level entities out there that mess with us.

Knowing that, you may be worried if these entities or evil spirits can take you over or harm you. Or if these frequency technologies can permanently hijack you. A well-known secret is they cannot without your permission. Permission doesn’t need to be explicit such as saying you give permission, but by thinking about them or using tools to conjure them you are giving them permission. It is implied consent. Continue reading

Signs Your Spirit Guides Want to Talk

awakeningMissy Marston – Your spirit guides are those who watch and help you to stay on your right path. There are many different kinds of spirit guides, some that stay with you all your life, and others that stick around just to teach you lessons or guide you through specific life events.

If you haven’t connected or spoke with your guides yet, they may be sending out some signs to let you know they’re there and want to talk! Guides will often send messages that, when received, produce an above-average emotional response. So what are some of their tools to send signs? Continue reading

Living With An Open Heart

heartRandall Monk – When our heart is open, we have access to the beauty around us; the radiance of every soul we encounter, and the splendor of nature.

Some of us feel the need to protect our heart because of one or more hurtful experiences.  It may be challenging to maintain an open heart without feeling vulnerable for those of us who have done so, resulting in a painful experience.  For that reason, many have, consciously or unconsciously, placed a protective shield over their heart.  Placing a barrier around our heart works for protection, but it also restricts our heartfelt interactions with others. Continue reading